Personal information
Prof Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho has a Master's degree in Metalogenesis (University of Campinas, UNICAMP, 1991) and a PhD in Earth Sciences (Open University, England, 1995). He received the prestigious FAPESP Young Researcher Fellowship between 1995-1997, became an Assistant Professor in 1997 and an Associate Professor in 2002, both at UNICAMP. Since 2009, he is a Full Professor in Remote Sensing at the Geology and Natural Resources Department of the Institute of Geosciences, UNICAMP. He is the currently leader of the Geologic Remote Sensing Group (National Science Foundation - CNPq) and is a researcher Level 1A (highest national ranking) at CNPq. He was the founder and is responsible for a series of research laboratories in Reflectance Spectroscopy (LER), FTIR Spectroscopy (LaFTIR), Image Processing (LAPIG) and Hyperespectral and Scanning Electron Microscopy Imaging (HyperMeV). He is a NASA researcher on the ASTER, Mars-Earth Analogs and HyspIRI programs. He is the Associate Editor of the International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (JAG) and of the Brazilian Journal of Geophysics (RBGf). He is also on the editorial board of Mathematical Geosciences (MatGeo) and Geofluids. Between 2002-2012 he was the Editor and Deputy Editor of the Computers & Geosciences journal. Between 2012-2017 he was a member of the CNPq Environmental Sciences Advisory Committee and the chair of the committee for two consecutive terms. He was Theme Champion at the IUGS World Geological Congresses of Brisbane (34th IGC, 2012) and South Africa (35th IGC, 2016). He was Head of the Department of Geology and Natural Resources (DGRN) (2002-2006), Chair of the Graduate Program in Geosciences (2006-2009) and Chair of IG-UNICAMP Post-Graduate programs (2009-2013). He is currently IG-UNICAMP Research Chair, Vice-President of the Permanent Commission for Dedication to Education and Research (CPDIUEC) and on the deliberative board of UNICAMP’s Research Support Funding (FAEPEX), all linked to UNICAMP's Rectory. He is a full member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) and Sao Paulo State Academy of Sciences (ACIESP). Based on spectroscopy and remote sensing data and methods, his main contributions to science have been multi-centered in studies on petroleum systems and metallic / nonmetallic mineral systems and their prospection; geology from Hadean to Quaternary on Earth and its analogy with Mars; active global volcanology and environmental monitoring.