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Biography of Stanislav POSPÍŠIL
Stanislav Pospisil was born in 1942 in Přerov and studied nuclear physics at the Faculty of Technical and Nuclear Physics of the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU). The DrSc. degree in nuclear and sub-nuclear physics he received at the Charles University in Prague. Starting from 1964 till 2002 he was giving lectures on fundamental and applied nuclear physics, spectroscopy and neutron physics at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering and from 2005 till 2012 on X-ray imaging on the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the CTU. He supervised 12 MSc. and 17 Ph.D.
His research activities before 1990 were focused on neutron nuclear physics (in cooperation with JINR Dubna, BNL, TU Munich). After 1990 he developed research links of the CTU physicists and engineers with CERN (ATLAS and MoEDAL experiments, R&D projects dedicated to development of position sensitive and radiation hard semiconductor detectors).
In May 2002, he established Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics (IEAP) of the CTU serving there as director till Sept 2015, presently as senior scientist and member of the IEAP Board. He built a group focused on use of Medipix/Timepix pixel detectors in subatomic experiments, on high-resolution X-ray and neutron micro-tomography, NDT, dosimetry and hadron therapy. Since 2008, especially after the Czech Republic's accession to ESA, he has oriented the IEAP research program also to space.
Under his supervision the IEAP developed also quite fruitful collaboration to non-accelerator astroparticle experiments with Canadian universities (ATLAS and Picasso/PICO with University of Montreal, ALTA/CZELTA educational project with University of Alberta). In 2009-18 Stanislav was associated as professor of physics to the University of Montreal.
A substantial part of the research projects led by Stanislav was supported by diferent European grant agencies (EU FP5, 6, 7, Marie Curie Actions, Horizon 2020, ESA/EMITS tenders, Czech-Norwegian Research Program).
As for his participation in scientific and advisory committees on national and international level, he has served as member of the Czech Governmental Committees for Cooperation with CERN (from 1998) and for JINR Dubna (from 2013), as the member of Scientific Council of the CTU (from 2006 to 2018), of the Nuclear Physics Institute of the AS CR (from 2007 to 2017), of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (from 2006) and of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the CTU (from 2007). In February of 2013 he has become elected member of Scientific Council of Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR) Dubna.
He served also as member of scientific committees, session convener and reviewer for many international conferences (IWoRID 1999 - 2013, GaAs Prague 98, CGRS Prague 2002, IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2000-2010, ICATPP Como 2001-2013, at present ANIMMA 2021). Within the 2007-2010 he was elected member of the IEEE NPSS Radiation Instrumentation Steering Committee (RISC).
His full publication record for the period 1967-2022 according to WoS lists 1350 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and proceedings of recognized international conferences including publications from the ATLAS experiment. They were cited 50,216 times, resulting in the H-index of 110. Of these, 310 publications relate exclusively to projects carried out within the above research activities with a well-defined, direct and significant contribution from his team, which were cited 3539 times with an H-index of 32 and in addition realized in 5 patents.
During the last 20 years, he gave a number of invited talks on international conferences and workshops (IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD, IWORID, Vertex, ANIMMA 2019) as well lectures on international schools dedicated to particle tracking detectors and their applications (series NDRA 2014-2020, Riva del Garda, Italy and IEEE NPSS/RT workshops).
The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society awarded him on November 2, 2020 at the 2020 IEEE NSS Conference ( the "Glenn F. Knoll Radiation Instrumentation Outstanding Achievement Award" for contributions to the development and application of pixelated radiation detectors in medical, high-energy and space science.
Prague, 11.4.2022