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James joined KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Program (KWTRP) in 2018 as a joint fellow between KWTRP and the Pirbright Institute, UK. At the Pirbright Institute, his research was focused on setting up a platform for foot and mouth disease, capsid specific single bovine B-cell sorting, B- cell sequencing, antibody expression and functionality assays in Prof. John Hammonds lab. In 2019 he came back to Prof. George Warimwe’s group and focussed on studying arboviruses including Rift Valley fever, Chikungunya and dengue, designing constructs for vaccine development and serological assays development to study these viruses. He is also the biosafety officer in the Programme. James studied BSc Biochemistry degree from Kenyatta University, Kenya. He then went to Wageningen University and Research centre (WUR), the Netherlands where he studied a MSc in Molecular life science (Biomedical research). His PhD research conducted at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya and WUR focused on identification of novel Theileria parva antigens for development of a subunit vaccine for control of East Coast fever in Africa.
James is interested in developing serological tools to improve infectious diseases diagnosis and surveillance and constructs for vaccine development.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (2)
Funding (3)
Works (24)