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Dr. Maria Morant received the M.Sc. degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain, in 2008 and obtained the international Ph. D. degree in 2012. Since 2006 she has investigated optical techniques for the transmission of OFDM-based signals in access networks at the Nanophotonics Technology Center (NTC) of the Universitat Politècnica de València. She is currently a professor at UPV and researcher at NTC and has collaborated in European projects such as FP7-ICT-FIVER, FP7-IST-UCELLS and FP6-IST-UROOF, and in national projects dealing with optical communications such as MULTI-BEAM5G, XCORE, ULTRADEF and VISICONEC. Currently she is the principal researcher of National project MULTICORE+. She has contributed with more than 130 papers to JCR journals, international international and hot-topic conferences on optical communications. Her current research interests include novel optical communications, advanced modulations and optical sensing techniques.