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Eduardo Ortas is Full Professor of the Accounting and Finance Department of the University of Zaragoza. His PhD dissertation titled “Revisiting the relationship between corporate social and financial performance through a multivariate perspective” obtained the highest mark. His main research areas cover topics such as social and environmental accounting, corporate sustainability management and corporate social responsibility. He has been invited researcher at the Amsterdam Business School (The Netherlands), the Kent Business School (England), the Groningen Faculty of Economics (The Netherlands) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of Zagreb (Croatia). He has authored more than 60 research publications among scientific papers, research books and book chapters published in journals covered by the Social Sciences Citation Index y Sciences Citation Index editions of the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Among them, 14 are included into the first quartile (Q1) in areas/categories related to his research activities such as: i) economics; ii) business; iii) management; iv) finance; and v) environmental sciences. His research activity has been positively evaluated by national and regional agencies such as the “Agencia de Calidad y Prospectiva Universitaria de Aragón (ACPUA)” and the “Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora (CNEAI)”. Eh has been Associate Editor of the Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. He also serves as member of the Editorial Board of the “International Journal of Sustainable Economy” and the “Journal of the Asia Pacific Centre for Environmental Accountability”. He has been Guest Editor of several special issues of journals, such as: i) “Sustainable Development”; and, ii) the “Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting”. He has been reviewer for 29 journals (most of them ranked in the JCR list) and reviewed more than 70 papers. He has supervised four PhD dissertations and actually is managing two thesis. He has joined more than 15 national and international research projects funded by institutions like the European Union (FEDER funds), the Spanish Ministry of Education, the Spanish Ministry of Economy; the Centre for Sustainability Management (Germany), and Universities such as the Pau and Basque Country. Moreover, he has engaged in research transfer activities through different contracts with corporations, institutions and other organizations.