Personal information
Since May 2013: President of the Advisory Board of the Société internationale des Amis de Cicéron (SIAC).
Since January 2015: Academicus ordinarius by the Pontificia Academia Latinitatis (Vatican City).
Since November 2019: Full Professor of Latin, University of Turin (Italy).
Qualified as Full professor of Latin in Italy (ASN 2012) and in France (Qualification Campagne 2014, Professeur des universités, Section CNU 08). Since 3 October 2011: Latin Language and Literature Associated Professor at the Literature and Philosophy Department of the University of Turin. Since June 2010: member of the Faculty Council of the Doctorate in Classical and Modern Cultures as tutor. Since 1 April 2010: responsible for the Turin research group within the Digilib project. Since 31 January 2010: he has coordinated the Turin research group within the Collegium politicum. 2008-2013: Vice Chairman of the Société internationale des Amis de Cicéron (SIAC). June 2005 – June 2009: editor of the “Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione classica” (Years 2003-2008). 1992 – 2007: he taught at the Ginnasio of Liceo Classico “V. Alfieri” in Turin. 24 February 1999: he successfully completed his Doctoral Dissertation. 17 July 1989: under the guidance of Prof. Italo Lana, he obtained the Degree in Literature with honors and recommended publication.
Employment (4)
Education and qualifications (2)
Professional activities (1)
Works (50 of 140)