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Works (3)

Family Structure and Adolescent Mental Health Service Utilization During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Journal of Adolescent Health
2023-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Tierra D. Burrell; Seohyun Kim; Karishma Mohadikar; Cabell Jonas; Nancy Ortiz; Michael A. Horberg
Source: check_circle

An Association Between Maternal Intimate Partner Physical Violence and a Loaded Firearm in the Home

Journal of Interpersonal Violence
2021-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Tierra D. Burrell; Kristin M. Voegtline; Kamila B. Mistry
Source: check_circle

Content of Infant Safe Sleep Counseling and Maternal Reported Practices in an Urban Clinic

Academic Pediatrics
2019-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Tierra D. Burrell; Eileen M. McDonald; Patricia Mahoney; Rashelle J. Musci; Wendy Shields; Andrea Gielen; Barry S. Solomon
Source: check_circle