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Works (5)

Controllable defects and electrical properties of nonstoichiometric Na0.5-Bi0.5+Bi2Nb2O9 high temperature piezoceramics

Journal of Alloys and Compounds
2017-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Zhihang Peng; Xinghe Xing; Yang Xiang; Feng Cao; Bo Wu
Source: check_circle

Microstructure and impedance properties of La, Ce multi-rare earth ions doped Na0.5Bi2.5Nb2O9 Aurivillius type ceramics

Journal of Alloys and Compounds
2017-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Zhihang Peng; Xiangxiong Zeng; Feng Cao; Xiang Yang
Source: check_circle

Crystal structure, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of Ta/W codoped Bi3TiNbO9 Aurivillius phase ceramics

Current Applied Physics
2014-12 | Journal article
Source: check_circle

Microstructure and electrical properties in W/Nb co-doped Aurivillius phase Bi 4 Ti 3 O 12 piezoelectric ceramics

Materials Research Bulletin
2014-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Zhihang Peng; Qiang Chen; Yu Chen; Dingquan Xiao; Jianguo Zhu
Source: check_circle

Correlation between lattice distortion and electrical properties on Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics with W/Ni modifications

Journal of Alloys and Compounds
2014-03 | Journal article
Source: check_circle

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Journal of alloys and compounds. (1)