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Dr. Lucas Luhende Kija is a lecturer in the Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum studies at the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE). He holds a PhD in Education, Master of Arts in Applied Social Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts (Education) from the University of Dar es Salaam. Before joining DUCE in 2008, he was a College Tutor teaching Educational Psychology Guidance and Counseling, History, and Development Studies at Mpwapwa Teachers College. Being a lecturer, he teaches courses in Education, including Introduction to Educational Psychology, Counselling and Special Needs Education, Psychology of Exceptionalities, Educational and Career Guidance and Counselling at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. Dr. Lucas Luhende Kija also works as a researcher and consultant to governmental and non-governmental organizations at local and international levels. He has researched on the 'Reducing barriers for inclusion of students with visual impairments in the universities: Focus on educational and psychological needs', ‘Promoting Support Services of Special Education Units for Enhancing Educational Achievements of Students with Disabilities in Tanzanian Universities’, ‘Influence of Learning Support Services on Academic Progress of University Students with Visual Impairments in Tanzania’, ‘Problems Affecting HIV/AIDS Information Dissemination to Persons with Visual Impairment in Tanzania’, ‘The Status and Implementation of the 2006 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Tanzania Disability Laws’, as well as Widening participation of Persons with disabilities in elections. Currently, Dr. Lucas Luhende Kija is conducting studies on the status of ICT and Assistive Technology for Persons with Disabilities and the applicability of inclusive education in Tanzania.