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Public Relations; Media studies; New media; Social media; e-Learning; News consumption


Elareshi is an Associate Professor in Public Relations Department, College of Communication, University of Sharjah, UAE. I have worked in PR, and Media and Communications Studies (Al Ain University, UAE 2019-2022), and a former Head of Media Department at Azzaytuna University 2003-2006. He graduated in Media and Communications Studies (BA) and Public Relations (MA) at the University of Benghazi (Libya), and Media and Communication Studies (PhD) at University of Leicester (UK).

Elareshi has got sound working and teaching experience in large Libyan universities such as Tripoli University and Misurata University. At these universities, he effectively delivered, designed, led, developed, supervised and taught several subjects in the UG/PG programmes. He is also very familiar with the processes of university administration, having worked as a head of department in Arab and western universities.

I also manage different research projects and grants (around US$ 263,000) in Media and Communication, and PR. Most of my publications are indexed Scopus and international prestige journals.


Employment (10)

University of Sharjah: Sharjah, Sharjah, AE

2023-01-09 to present | Associate Professor (Puplic Relations)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Al Ain University: Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, AE

2019-01-06 to 2022-12-30 | Associate Professor (Communication and Media)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

De Montford University: Leicester, England, GB

2017-05-08 to 2017-11-10 | Project Assistant - Kimberlin Library (Library Learning Services)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

WDS A Xerox Company: Poole, Dorset, GB

2015-09-07 to 2015-12-17 | Customer Support Advisor • Providing customer support for Google clients via multiple touch points; • Accurately logging customer and product information into the company system; • Proactively developing skills and knowledge through effective use of systems; • Understanding customer care and apply to all customer touch points; • Sharing knowledge gained with team/business through effective knowledge transfer; • Maintaining a high standard in personal KPI targets as defined; and • Resolving end customer issues in a timely manner ensuring the customer is satisfied.
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

University of Leicester: Leicester, Leicestershire, GB

2008-09-29 to 2013-01-25 | PhD candidate (Media and Communication)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

University of Leicester: Leicester, Leicestershire, GB

2010-05-03 to 2010-09-15 | Help Desk Advisor • Responded to a wide range of client enquiries relating to career service by email, phone and in person, able to communicate verbally with different clients providing information and using my understanding of the functions of the University to direct them to relevant resources and support. • Proficient in using of social media to communicate with different people. • Arranged different appointments which help to know how to deal with the public in a service capacity. • Responsible for posting, collecting posting shift and sorted into team trays.
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

University of Azzaytuna: Tarhouna, LY

2004-03-04 to 2006-08-05 | Lecturer and the Head Department of Media & Communication | • A Member of Committee Regulations for Faculty of Arts; • The Head of Examinations in Media Department; • A Member of Equivalences Committee; • Prepared for Media department modules; • Organised exams schedules, and examination; • Organised and managed the department meeting; • Taught modules: Foundation of Public Relations, Editorial Press, and Media Management; • Editor for the university’s newspaper.
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Misurata University: Misratah, LY

2004-09-10 to 2006-08-03 | • I contributed modules for the Media Department; • Taught modules: An Introduction to Mass Communications and Media Management. (Media and Communication/ Lecturer)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

University of Tripoli: Tripoli, LY

2003-03-01 to 2006-08-03 | • Tutorials, supervised 8 senior students via to successful completion of their research; • Administrated the Public Relations Section; • A Member of Committee of Revision the Graduation Students for Arts & Media Department; • A Member of Committee the curriculum development in Arts & Media Department; • Taught modules: Foundation of Public Relations, Public Relations Practice, An Introduction to Mass Communications, and Secretarial Module. (Media Studies/ Lecturer and Course Programme Leader)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

University Elmergib: Al Khums, LY

2002-09-04 to 2004-07-09 | • I taught these modules Press Technologies, Research Methods, The Theories of Mass Media, and Introductory Mass Communications. (Media Studies/ Ass. Lecturer)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Education and qualifications (4)

University of Leicester: Leicester, Leicestershire, GB

2008-09-29 to 2013-01-25 | PhD (Media and Communication)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

University of Benghazi: Benghazi, LY

1998-09-07 to 2001-11-13 | MA (Media and Communication)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

University of Benghazi: Benghazi, LY

1997-09-02 to 1998-09-03 | Diploma (Media and Communication)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

University of Benghazi: Benghazi, LY

1991-09-04 to 1995-08-17 | BA (Media and Communication)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Professional activities (3)

Middle East Studies Association of North America: Tucson, Arizona, US

2017-05-01 to 2018-05-01 | Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Communication Institute of Greece (CIG): Athens , GR

2016-02-03 to 2017-02-03
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

University of Leicester: Leicester, Leicestershire, GB

2008-09-29 to 2013-01-09 | News and Journalism Research (Media and Communication)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Funding (7)

'An analytical system (app) to understand the causes of intellectual distractions related to terrorist behaviours through social media networking sites’

2018-01 to 2018-05 | Grant
King Abdulaziz University (Jeddah, Jeddah, SA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Improving Cycling Culture

2017-02 to 2017-04 | Grant
St Matthews Big Local (Leicester, England, GB)


Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

New Directions for Media Research

2012-04 to 2016-04 | Grant
Media (Leicester, Leicestershire, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

External evaluator for Media Department programme to develop the media modules

2005-09 to 2006-08 | Grant
University of Azzaytuna (Tripoli, LY)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

The impact of local universities on communities

2004-09 to 2006-08 | Grant
University of Tripoli (Tripoli, Libya, LY)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Visiting lecturer to develop new media and communication modules

2004-06 to 2005-06 | Salary award
University of Al-Mergeb (Ziliten, LY)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Creating database for Libyan media scholars or academics

2004-04 to 2004-08 | Salary award
Centre for Research, Information and Decommantation (Tripoli, LY)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Works (50 of 105)

Items per page:
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The influence of age and gender on social TV acceptance

Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies
2025-04-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Mohammed Habes; Mokhtar Elareshi; Hatem Alsridi; Abdulkrim Ziani; Mahmoud Elbasir
Source: check_circle

Pakistani Newspapers Representation of Religious Groups

Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies
2025-01-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Mokhtar Elareshi; Mohammed Habes; Sana Ali
Source: check_circle

Pandemic disruptions: Social media and pandemic news work of divergent Arab journalists

Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies
2025-01-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Mokhtar Elareshi; Abdulkrim Ziani; Julian Matthews
Source: check_circle

Enhancing Public Satisfaction: The Impact of Interactive Marketing in Social Institutions (the UAE Ministry of Community Development)

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Noora Ahmad Youssef; Mokhtar Elareshi; Mahmoud Alghizzawi; Mohamed Habes; Abdulkrim Ziani; Samar Ben Romdhane
Source: check_circle

Predicting the level of social media use among journalists: machine learning analysis

Frontiers in Communication
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Elareshi, Mokhtar; Al Shami, Ahmad; Ziani, Abdulkrim; Chaudhary, Shubhda; Youssef, Noora
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Public engagement through public service advertisements for health care awareness during early COVID-19 in Pakistan

Frontiers in Communication
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Elareshi, Mokhtar; Habes, Mohammed; Ali, Sana; Attar, Razaz Waheeb
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Public Engagement via Social Media Content: An Organisational Communication Aspect

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Samar Ben Romdhane; Mokhtar Elareshi; Hatem Alsridi; Abdulkrim Ziani
Source: check_circle

Understanding the relationship between AI and gender on social TV content selection

Frontiers in Communication
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Habes, Mohammed; Alhazmi, Amal Hassan; Elareshi, Mokhtar; Attar, Razaz Waheeb
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Determinants of journalists’ acceptance of using virtual reality (VR) in news production in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

2024-12-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Mokhtar Elareshi; Abdulkrim Ziani; Hesham Mesbah; Saleh Alwahaishi
Source: check_circle

Evaluating University Attributes and Their Influence on Students’ Attitudes: The Mediating Role of Social Responsibility Communication

Administrative Sciences
2024-08-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Mokhtar Elareshi; Samar Ben Romdhane; Wasim Ahmed
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Media representation of ethnic minorities in Pakistani newspapers

Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
2024-08-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Mohammed Habes; Mokhtar Elareshi; Sana Ali
Source: check_circle

Seeking news and information through social networking sites: An experience of internally displaced people

Information Development
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Abdulrahman Dheyab Abdullah; Mokhtar Elareshi; Abdoulaye Kaba
Source: check_circle

E-Marketing and Customers’ Bank Loyalty Enhancement: Jordanians’ Perspectives

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Mohammad Habes; Mahmoud Alghizzawi; Mokhtar Elareshi; Abdulkrim Ziani; Mohammad Qudah; Maryam Mohammed Al Hammadi
Source: check_circle

Perceptions of Incorporating Virtual Reality of Goggles in the Learning Management System in Developing Countries

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Saadia Anwar Pasha; Humaira Sharif; Sana Ali; Amal Al-Misfari; Mokthar Elareshi; Abdulkrim Ziani; Mohammad Habes
Source: check_circle

Public Service Advertisements and Healthcare Attitudinal Changes in Developing Countries: Pakistanis’ Perspectives

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Mohammad Habes; Sana Ali; Ayesha Qamar; Mokhtar Elareshi; Abdulkrim Ziani; Hatem Alsridi
Source: check_circle

Technology Enhanced Learning Through Learning Management System and Virtual Reality Googles: A Critical Review

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Ahmed Al Mansoori; Sana Ali; Saadia Anwar Pasha; Mahmoud Alghizzawi; Mokthar Elareshi; Ab-dulkrim Ziani; Hatem Alsridi
Source: check_circle

Technology-Enhanced Learning Acceptance in Pakistani Primary Education

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Mohammed Habes; Saadia Anwar Pasha; Sana Ali; Mokhtar Elareshi; Abdulkrim Ziani; Bahaeldin Ali Bashir
Source: check_circle

The Perceptions of Iraqi Internally Displaced Persons of Social Media Use during War and Conflict

Jurnal Komunikasi-Malaysian Journal of Communication
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Elareshi, Mokhtar; Ziani, Abudlkrim; Alsridi, Hatem
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Understanding Arab social TV viewers’ perceptions of virtual reality acceptance

Cogent Social Sciences
2023-12-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Mohammed Habes; Mokhtar Elareshi; Amjad Safori; Amer Khaled Ahmad; Waleed Al-Rahmi; Javier Cifuentes-Faura
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Gender as a moderating variable in online misinformation acceptance during COVID-19

2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Ahmed Mansoori; Khalaf Tahat; Dina Tahat; Mohammad Habes; Said A. Salloum; Hesham Mesbah; Mokhtar Elareshi
Source: check_circle

Understanding the Effects of Social Media Marketing on Customers’ Bank Loyalty: A SEM Approach

2023-04 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.; Mohammed Habes; AMJAD OMAR SAFORI; Razaz Waheeb Attar; Muhammad Noor Al adwan; Waleed Mugahed AL-Rahmi
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Factors Indicating Media Dependency and Online Misinformation Sharing in Jordan

2023-01-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Mohammed Habes; Mokhtar Elareshi; Ahmed Mansoori; Saadia Pasha; Said A. Salloum; Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Analyzing the Portrayals of Child Sexual Abuse of Urdu Newspapers in Developing Countries

Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Habes, Mohammed; Elareshi, Mokhtar; Ali, Sana; Ziani, Abdulkrim
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Factors affecting social TV acceptance among Generation Z in Jordan

Acta Psychologica
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Elareshi, Mokhtar; Habes, Mohammed; Al-Tahat, Khalaf; Ziani, Abdulkrim; Salloum, Said A.
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Social Impact of Videos at New Media Platforms on the eLearning Acceptance during the Covid-19

Information Sciences Letters
2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 2090956X 20909551
Contributors: Habes, M.; Elareshi, M.; Youssef, E.; Ali, S.; Qudah, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD. via Scopus - Elsevier

Smart interaction and social TV used by Jordanian University students

Technology in Society
2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Mohammed Habes; Mokhtar Elareshi; Ahmed Almansoori; Abdulkrim Ziani; Hatem Alsridi
Source: check_circle

Iraqi University Students’ Emergency Remote Learning Experiences During Covid-19

International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM)
2022-10-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Haitham Numan; Mokhtar Elareshi; Dimitrinka Atanasova
Source: check_circle

Students’ perceptions of mobile learning technology acceptance during Covid-19: WhatsApp in focus

Educational Media International
2022-10-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Mohammed Habes; Mokhtar Elareshi; Said A. Salloum; Sana Ali; Raghad Alfaisal; Abdulkrim Ziani; Hetam Alsridi
Source: check_circle

SEM-ANN-based approach to understanding students’ academic-performance adoption of YouTube for learning during Covid

2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Mokhtar Elareshi; Mohammed Habes; Enaam Youssef; Said A. Salloum; Raghad Alfaisal; Abdulkarim Ziani
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Gulf Elites’ Dependence on International Press in Times of Crisis: The US-Iran crisis 2019-2020

Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication
2022-03-31 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2289-1528
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Digital Media Usage Among Arab Journalists During Covid-19 Outbreak

2021 | Book chapter
Contributors: Abdul-Karim Ziani; Mokhtar Elareshi; Mohammed Habes; Khalaf Mohammed Tahat; Sana Ali
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

E-Learning Acceptance During the Covid-19 Outbreak: A Cross-sectional Study

2021 | Book chapter
Contributors: Mohammed Habes; Sana Ali; Atiqa Khalid; Hiba Abou Haykal; Mokhtar Elareshi; Tabinda Khan; Abdulkairm Ziani
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Improving the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Internet Accessibility: JSL, Text-into-Sign Language Translator for Arabic

2021 | Book chapter
Contributors: Walaa Al-Sarayrah; Ahmad Al-Aiad; Mohammed Habes; Mokhtar Elareshi; Said A. Salloum
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Media and Non-media Students’ Feedback and Improvement of University Teaching and the Learning Environment

2021 | Book chapter
Contributors: Mahmoud Elbasir; Mokhtar Elareshi; Mohammed Habas; Riadh Jeljeli; Said A. Salloum
Source: check_circle


Routledge Handbook on Arab Media
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Elareshi, Mokhtar
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Understanding Users' Social TV Content using Artificial Intelligence Approach: A Survey

International Conference of Modern Trends in Information and Communication Technology Industry (MTICTI)
2021 | Conference paper
Contributors: Habes, Mohammed; Ali, Sana; Elareshi, Mokhtar; Tahat, Khalaf M.; Ziani, Abdulkrim
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Using Online Platforms for Political Communication in Bahrain Election Campaigns

Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
2021-09-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Mokhtar Elareshi; Mohammed Habes; Sana Ali; Abdulkrim Ziani
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

New media and hate speech: A study of university students in Jordan,Nuevos medios y discurso de odio: Un estudio de estudiantes universitarios en Jordania

2020 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 10121587
Contributors: Serhan, F.A.; Elareshi, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD. via Scopus - Elsevier

Perceptions of online academics’ and Al-Jazeera.Net’s news coverage of the Egyptian political transformation 2013-2014

Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication
2020 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

22891528 2289151X

Contributors: Elareshi, M.; Alsridi, H.; Ziani, A.-K.
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD. via Scopus - Elsevier

The influence of youtube videos on ELA during the COVID-19 outbreaks in Jordan

Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning, ICEL
2020 | Conference paper


Part of ISSN: 20488890 20488882
Contributors: Habes, M.; Salloum, S.A.; Elareshi, M.; Ganji, S.F.G.; Ziani, A.-K.; Elbasir, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD. via Scopus - Elsevier

The Influence of Trust, Security and Reliability of Multimedia Payment on the Adoption of EPS in Libya

2020-12-08 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Media and Social Change in Libya

Routledge Handbook on Arab Media
2020-11-02 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Deep Learning Analysis of Social Media Content Used by Bahraini women: WhatsApp in focus

Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies
2020-10-30 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1354-8565
Part of ISSN: 1748-7382
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.
Preferred source (of 3)‎

New Media and Hate Speech - Strategies of Confrontation: A study of university students in Jordan

2020-04-04 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Media in Saudi Arabia

The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society. (pp. 1520-1522). SAGE Publications, Inc.
2020-01-17 | Encyclopedia entry
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

Digital and interactive social media among middle east women: Empirical TAM study

Media Watch
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

22498818 09760911

Contributors: Elareshi, M.; Ziani, A.-K.
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD. via Scopus - Elsevier

Libyan PR participants’ perceptions of and motivations for studying PR in Libya

Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

23445440 14548100

Contributors: Elareshi, M.; Bajnaid, A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD. via Scopus - Elsevier

University students' awareness of social media use and hate speech in Jordan

International Journal of Cyber Criminology
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 09742891
Contributors: Al Serhan, F.; Elareshi, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD. via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

University Students’ Awareness of Social Media Use and Hate Speech in Jordan

International Journal of Cyber Criminology
2019-12-02 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.

The Impact of New-media Platforms on the Gulf Political Communication Landscape: Consumption and the Public Sphere

Global Perspectives on Media, Politics, Immigration, Advertising and Social Networking
2019-10-19 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Mokhtar Elareshi, PhD.
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Peer review (29 reviews for 17 publications/grants)

Review activity for African journalism studies. (2)
Review activity for Cogent arts & humanities. (1)
Review activity for Cogent business & management. (2)
Review activity for Cogent social sciences. (3)
Review activity for Conflict, security & development. (1)
Review activity for Globalizations. (1)
Review activity for Heliyon. (3)
Review activity for International journal of comparative sociology (1)
Review activity for International journal of human-computer interaction. (1)
Review activity for International journal of information management data insights. (1)
Review activity for Journal of further and higher education. (1)
Review activity for Journalism practice. (1)
Review activity for Public relations inquiry (2)
Review activity for SAGE Open. (4)
Review activity for Social sciences & humanities open. (3)
Review activity for Violence against women (1)
Review activity for Yà-tài guǎnlǐ pínglùn. (1)