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Works (3)

Can composite packaging and selective enamel etching affect the clinical behavior of bulk-fill composite resin in posterior restorations? 24-month results of a randomized clinical trial

Journal of Applied Oral Science
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Marcos de Oliveira BARCELEIRO; Chane TARDEM; Elisa Gomes ALBUQUERQUE; Leticia de Souza LOPES; Stella Soares MARINS; Luiz Augusto POUBEL; Roberta BARCELOS; Romina ÑAUPARI-VILLASANTE; Alessandro Dourado LOGUERCIO; Fernanda Signorelli CALAZANS
Source: check_circle

Clinical time and postoperative sensitivity after use of bulk-fill (syringe and capsule) vs. incremental filling composites: a randomized clinical trial

Brazilian Oral Research
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Chane TARDEM; Elisa Gomes ALBUQUERQUE; Letícia de Souza LOPES; Stella Soares MARINS; Fernanda Signorelli CALAZANS; Luiz Augusto POUBEL; Roberta BARCELOS; Marcos de Oliveira BARCELEIRO
Source: check_circle

How do the optical properties of the bulk fill posterior composites change after 2 years of simulated toothbrushing?

Brazilian Dental Science
2019-07-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Leticia Souza Lopes; Helio Rodrigues Sampaio Filho; Elisa Gomes Albuquerque; Chane Tardem; Mauro Sayão Miranda; Marcos Oliveira Barceleiro
Source: check_circle