Personal information
Mafalda Rangel has been a researcher of the Fisheries, Biodiversity and Conservation group of the Centre of Marine Sciences of Algarve (CCMAR) for over 25 years. Her research focuses on recreational fisheries, artisanal fisheries, fisheries management, participatory approaches to fisheries management, socioeconomics of fisheries, fisheries ecology, coastal management, marine & coastal tourism, underwater diving tourism, sustainable tourism, and marine biodiversity and conservation. Since her BSc, she has been involved in numerous research projects on recreational activities that take place in coastal areas, mainly focusing on Marine Recreational Fisheries (MFR) and diving activities. For her MSc thesis, she carried out a comprehensive analysis of shore-based angling in the north of Portugal, and for her PhD she studied the recreational diving industry in the Algarve, developing a network of self-guided underwater routes. She integrated the team responsible for the co-design of the NMPAR-PV the first MPA of this century in Portugal (RCM1/2024). The researcher is currently an assistant researcher at CCMAR, Portugal. She participates/ed as e.g., team member, WP leader; National coordinator; Pi and Co-PI, in several European (e.g. Sea2See, FarFish, Ecofishman, MNOUW, DGRMARE - mare/2014/04) and national (e.g. Cavala VRP; Tertúlia do Polvo 2014&2015; Pescardata, Participesca, AMPIC, AMPIC.COM) research projects on fisheries management system processes, socio-economic aspects of fisheries management, and stakeholders' involvement. For these projects, she developed skills such as: project and WP coordination, organization and promotion of multi-stakeholder participatory approaches for co-management, and socio-economic surveys of fishing communities. She applied to and coordinated: the 1) Promar project "Tertúlia do Polvo 2015" (2015/2016), following "Tertúlia do Polvo 2014" which resulted in new legislation proposed by fisher associations; and 2) "Pescardata" (2018), the first national-wide study on Marine Recreational Fisheries in Portugal. Over the years, she has also been participating in several biodiversity marine mapping projects (EU and national) and she is co-responsible for the project for characterizing and monitoring the area of the EDP Art Reef project. She also participated in projects aiming at the valuation and promotion of fisheries resources and communicating science to the general public. Since 2018, she has been actively involved in MPA-related MRF research, providing information and policy advice for the implementation of MPAs and management of MRF activities in the MARSW and AMPIC projects, and as Co-PI of the AMPIC.COM Mar2020 project. MRangel is a permanent member of the ICES Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (CEPHP) and ICES Working Group on Recreational Fisheries Surveys (WGRFS) (she hosted and organized the 2018 annual meeting), and a founding member of the Coastal Tourism Group, of the University of Aveiro. She organized, prepared, and mediated several multi-stakeholder participatory processes (of fisheries management, MPAs, and biodiversity sustainability), participated in 4 scientific commissions of international congresses (1st International Conference on Tourism in Coastal Areas, INVTUR 2014, INVTUR 2017, INVTUR 2021), and in the organizing committee of SIBIC 2018. The researcher is also responsible for organizing and chairing the special session "MRF in the Mediterranean and Southern EU Coasts" held at the "World Recreational Fishing Conference 9" and co-editing a special issue on MRF in the open-access journal Sustainability. She published 28 peer-reviewed international papers (& 1 national) as 1st author or co-author, 5 books, over 60 scientific reports, and over 60 oral/poster presentations at national or international conferences. She supervises/ed or co-supervised several master's, and 2 Ph.D theses (ongoing; 1 supervision; 1 co-supervision), and works/ed as referee for several scientific journals.
Employment (36)
Education and qualifications (3)
Professional activities (13)
Funding (18)
Not available
"Not available"
Not applicable
PRODEP, no measure 5, action 5.2, contest n.º 5/95.