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DONG-WOOK SONG is Professor of Maritime Economics and Logistics and Korean Chair in Maritime Affairs at the World Maritime University, Sweden. Prior to the current post, he worked at Edinburgh Napier and Heriot-Watt Universities in the UK, and Hong Kong University. He holds a BA(Hons) with First Class in Shipping Management from the Korea Maritime University, an MSc in International Shipping and Logistics and a PhD in Maritime Economics and Logistics from the University of Plymouth, UK. He also attended an Industrial Economics Course at the London School of Economics. Professor Song is keenly interested in managerial and strategic aspects of global shipping, port and logistics. He has received a number of academic awards including ‘The Maritime Policy and Management Award for the Best Paper’ at the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Conferences in 1999 and 2001; ‘The Best Paper Award’ at the Asian Association of Shipping and Logistics in 2008; and ‘The Best Paper of the Year 2009’ at the Logistics Research Network (LRN) Conference in 2010. He is currently an Editor-in-Chief of 'WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs' and sits on editorial boards at known transport and logistics journals. He works as a consultant for private and public organisations including the UN, OECD, ADB and World Bank.