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Works (2)

The Serial Dual Mediating Effects of Maternal Positive Parenting and Preschooler’s Executive Functions on the Relationship between Preschooler’s Docile Temperament and Prosocial Behavior

Journal of Families and Better Life
2022-06-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Jinhee Kim; Jiyoung Lim; Yoonjeong Lee; Yujeong Kwon
Source: check_circle

Serial Dual Mediating Effects of Preschoolers’ Executive Functions and Counterfactual Thinking on Relationship between Maternal Reflective Functioning and Preschoolers’ Higher-order Thinking

Family and Environment Research
2020-05-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Yoonjeong Lee; Jiyoung Lim
Source: check_circle