Personal information
Senior Qualitative Researcher in Behavioural Science, with expertise in:
- behaviour change and inter-personal processes (including the use of behaviour change theories and frameworks, mechanisms of action, and implementation of interventions)
- design, implementation and process evaluation of behaviour change interventions
Involved in the following current/recent projects:
• Stopping antibiotics when you feel better: a qualitative study on using antibiotics differently in general practice
• Understanding the dynamics of policy development and healthcare worker behaviour in the UK during the COVID-19 public health emergency
• A qualitative sub-study of the PRINCIPLE trial on treatments for COVID-19
• STEP-UP study - a programme of research to improve the uptake and sustainability of effective interventions to promote prudent antibiotic use in primary care
• A qualitative study with locum GPs on the role of locums in antibiotic prescribing and stewardship
• ENACT study - Exploring the implementation of interventions to reduce antibiotic use and catheter associated urinary tract infections
• Healthy Parent Carers - a programme of research to improve the health and wellbeing of parent carers
• MAGI study - Mechanisms of action in group-based behaviour change interventions
PhD thesis: Understanding how participation in groups promotes health-related psychological and behaviour change
Projects prior to PhD:
• Qualitative evaluation of the Cambridge Bursary Scheme (Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge)
• Conversation analysis of to identify patterns of everyday conversations between couples (Polish and English native speakers) (Psychology Department, University of Portsmouth)
• MA Dissertation: ‘“Tell me what you eat”: Initiating and discussing lifestyle issues in diabetes consultations’ (Conversation Analysis) (Department of Sociology, University of York)