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Works (3)

Superconductivity-driven ferromagnetism and spin manipulation using vortices in the magnetic superconductor EuRbFe 4 As 4

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2021-09-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Shigeyuki Ishida; Daniel Kagerbauer; Sigrid Holleis; Kazuki Iida; Koji Munakata; Akiko Nakao; Akira Iyo; Hiraku Ogino; Kenji Kawashima; Michael Eisterer et al.
Source: check_circle

3D printing of polymer-bonded anisotropic magnets in an external magnetic field and by a modified production process

Applied Physics Letters
2020-03-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Klaus Sonnleitner; Christian Huber; Iulian Teliban; Spomenka Kobe; Boris Saje; Daniel Kagerbauer; Michael Reissner; Christian Lengauer; Martin Groenefeld; Dieter Suess
Source: check_circle

Doping dependence of the pinning efficiency in K-doped Ba122 single crystals prior to and after fast neutron irradiation

Superconductor Science and Technology
2019-09-01 | Journal article
Contributors: D Kagerbauer; S Ishida; V Mishev; D Song; H Ogino; H Eisaki; M Nakajima; A Iyo; M Eisterer
Source: check_circle