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Lawrence Lam has received training in areas of Medical Sciences, Psychology, Public Health, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics. He worked as a hospital Epidemiologist and a Medical Statistician in the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children, Sydney, Australia, for many years. During the period, he was also teaching Master classes in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the School of Public Health, The University of Sydney. He was the Head of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, as well as the Deputy Chair of the Population and Public Health Domain in the School of Medicine Sydney, the University of Notre Dame Australia before joining the HKIEd. He is also appointed a Fellow of the American College of Epidemiology. Being an Epidemiologist, a Statistician, and a research Psychologist in clinical and academic settings, Lawrence has experience in many different sub-specialties in Epidemiology and Medicine. These include Behavioural, Clinical, and Environmental Epidemiology.