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Prof. Marco A. Perez-Cisneros received the B.S. degree with distinction in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1995, the M.Sc. degree in Industrial Electronics from the ITESO University, Guadalajara, in 2000, and the Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Science and Technology, UMIST, The University of Manchester, U.K., in 2004. Since 2005, he has been at the CUCEI campus of the University of Guadalajara, where he is currently a Professor and the Dean of the Electronics and Computer Science Division. His current research interest includes Computational Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms and their applications to Robotics, Computational Vision and Automatic Control. He is a member of the Mexican Science Academy, the Mexican National Research
System (SNI), and a member of the IEEE and the IET. He has published more than 75 indexed papers currently holding an H-index of 17 and he is author of 7 textbooks about his research interests.