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Professor Rubens Maciel Filho. B.S., Chemical Engineer- São Carlos Federal University-1981, Nuclear Engineer- São Carlos Federal University, M.Sc. Chemical Engineering- State University of Campinas-1985,. Ph.D.,Chemical Engineering, University of Leeds, UK-1989. Top Productivity (1A) of National Research Council (CNPQ) since 2000 and Member of Science Academy of State of São Paulo since October 2015. Member of International Energy Agency (IEA) since November 2018. Full Professor at Chemical Engineering School- Department of Process and Product Development and Coordinator of the Laboratory of Optimization, Design and Advanced Process Control (LOPCA) since 1989, from 2007, Head of the Laboratory of Innovation in Biofuels- UNICAMP (LIB), and from 2010, Coordinator of the Brazilian Institute of Biofrabication (BIOFABRIS). From april 2012 is also Coordinator of the Laboratory of Petroleum Valuation (VALPET). From August of 2018 is the Head of Advanced Energy Storage (AES) Division of the New Energies Research Center-CINE, a Center sponsored by Fapesp and Shell. The main research areas covers Modeling of Chemical, Biochemical and Electrochemical Processes: Computer Aided Design, operation and control and off/on line optimization, with special focus on Green Process Development and Biorefinery, specifically with bio-ethanol and byproducts from fermentation as feedstock. Consideration is also given for the use of CO2 and bioethanol as raw material for chemicals. Development of new materials for medical and renewable energy applications. The research activities also covers the development of new materials for application in the field of health and renewable energy and use of 3-D printing (Rapid Prototyping / Additive Manufacturing) in ceramic, metals and polymers in manufacturing. He served as Head of Chem. Process Development, Director for Under Graduate Studies, Dean of Chemical Engineering School, Pro-Rector at State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and from August of 2018 up to August of 2020 as HUB Director of the New Energies Research Center-CINE. He was also a member of the Higher Scientific Research Council of Brazil Research Council (CA of CNPq.). His professional experience includes teaching and research positions at State University of Campinas since 1983, invited Professor from UIS (Universidad Industrial de Santander- Colombia) and several worldwide collaboration in the Chemical Engineering area. He is permanent member of Brazilian Chemical Engineering Association and He was Head of Brazilian Chemical Engineering Association and Inter-American Association of Chemical Engineering. He is coordinator of the Engineering at Bioenergy Program of FAPESP (BIOEN/FAPESP).