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Listed in the top 2% scientists in the world, as per the statistical evaluation records of Stanford University, USA, 2022-2024.
PhD in Science with 30 years experience in research on Environmental Science and Engineering
Our current topics of research interest involve
1) The magnitude and calamity of arsenic and fluoride-contamination in groundwater from West Bengal and other parts of GMB basin.
2) Detailed studies on the presence of other groundwater contaminants like nitrate and radioactive element like uranium etc.
3) Distribution of toxic contaminants in groundwater and soil-plant system.
4) Source and mobilization of contaminants from source to aquifer.
5) Human health effect and risk assessment (acute and chronic toxicity).
6) Food chain contamination through irrigated groundwater with special reference to rice grain arsenic contamination, phase-wise distribution in paddy field with seasonal variations.
7) Remedial measurements including reduction of arsenic and fluoride from contaminated groundwater and approaches for arresting the contaminants in soil-plant system to restrict its entry in food chain using several coagulants, adsorbents like different organic amendments, nano-particles, biochars, nano-biofertilizers and seed priming with different amendments etc.
Our research studies include different branches of Science and Technology including Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering and Management, Environmental Chemistry, Geology, Microbiology, Botany, Anthropology, Agricultural Science and Engineering, Biology, Sociology, Civil and Chemical Engineering, Water Resource Engineering, Statistics, Economics etc.
1) Expertise in Environmental Analytical Chemistry Research and Teaching in graduation and post-graduation level in Chemistry/Engineering Chemistry/Environmental Chemistry/Environmental Biotechnology/Industrial Safety & Environmental Management with special reference to the subjects like Environmental Pollution, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Pollution Sources and Measurements and Sessional Work (Water/Waste Water/Soil/Sediment Quality Parameters).
2) Expertise in R & D activities related to toxic pollutants in groundwater like arsenic, fluoride, nitrate, radioactive elements like uranium etc.
3) Expertise in handling sophisticated Analytical Instruments like UV spectrophotometer, AAS, ICP-MS, HPLC, Mass Spectra, Ion Chromatograph, Ion Selective Electrode Mater etc.
4) Hands on exposure to Physical and Chemical Analysis of environmental samples, biological samples and industrial raw materials.
5) Exposure to Environmental Monitoring and Analysis (water, air pollution etc)
R & D in the field of Water Chemistry, Water Quality Management and Design & Development of Systems for Water Quality Management
6) Expertise on Water Quality Modeling and Removal Techniques of Arsenic, Fluoride and other Toxic pollutants
7) Expertise on geo-chemical studies on water, soil and sediments
8) Expertise on Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
9) More than six years Postdoctoral Research Experience in National Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo, Japan and three years in National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur
10) Research Publications in high impact, peer-reviewed International Journals, like Nature, Science of the Total Environment, Analyst, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, Chemosphere, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Environmental Geochemistry & Health, Microchemical Journal, Environmental Health Perspectives, Exposure and Health, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Toxicology, Environmental Pollution; Natural Resources Research, Journal of Basic Microbiology, National Journals & Chapters in Books
Participated in International & National Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Employment (3)
Education and qualifications (3)
Professional activities (2)
Funding (5)
Memo No. PHE/WSSO/37 (Pt-II)/157, dated January 29, 2018
36(4)/14/34/2015-BRNS/ 11591, dated 12/2/2016