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Employment (2)

European Space Astronomy Centre: Madrid, ES

2023-06-01 to present | ESA research fellow
Source: Self-asserted source
Camille Diez

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik: Tubingen, Baden-Württemberg, DE

2019-11-01 to 2023-05-31 | PhD candidate (Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Camille Diez

Works (13)

Dimming GRS 1915+105 observed with NICER and Insight–HXMT

Astronomy & Astrophysics
2025-02 | Journal article
Contributors: M. Zhou; V. Grinberg; A. Santangelo; C. Bambi; Q. Bu; C. M. Diez; L. Kong; J. F. Steiner; Y. Tuo
Source: check_circle

Detection of a Pulse Dropout in the Supergiant X-ray Binary 4U 1909+07 with XMM-Newton

American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts
2025-01 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Coley, Joel; Ballhausen, Ralf; Brumback, McKinley; Corbet, Robin; Diez, Camille; Islam, Nazma; Fuerst, Felix; Jaisawal, Guarava; Kretschmar, Peter; Malacaria, Christian et al.
Source: check_circle
NASA Astrophysics Data System

Multi-wavelength study of 1eRASS J085039.9−421151 with eROSITA, NuSTAR, and X-shooter

Astronomy & Astrophysics
2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: A. Zainab; A. Avakyan; V. Doroshenko; P. Thalhammer; E. Sokolova-Lapa; R. Ballhausen; N. Zalot; J. Stierhof; S. Hämmerich; C. M. Diez et al.
Source: check_circle

Pulse-to-pulse Variations in the Accreting X-ray Pulsar Vela X-1

American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts
2025-01 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Madurga-Favieres, Vicente; Martin-Carrillo, Antonio; Diez, Camille; Fürst, Felix; Martínez-Núñez, Silvia; Grinberg, Victoria; Tzanavaris, Panayiotis; Kretschmar, Peter
Source: check_circle
NASA Astrophysics Data System

Variable structures in the stellar wind of the HMXB Vela X-1

Astronomy & Astrophysics
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: L. Abalo; P. Kretschmar; F. Fürst; C. M. Diez; I. El Mellah; V. Grinberg; M. Guainazzi; S. Martínez-Núñez; A. Manousakis; R. Amato et al.
Source: check_circle

Characterisation of the stellar wind in Cyg X-1 via modelling of colour-colour diagrams

Astronomy and Astrophysics
2024-11 | Journal article


Contributors: Lai, E. V.; De Marco, B.; Cavecchi, Y.; El Mellah, I.; Cinus, M.; Diez, C. M.; Grinberg, V.; Zdziarski, A. A.; Uttley, P.; Bachetti, M. et al.
Source: check_circle
NASA Astrophysics Data System

jaxspec: X-ray spectra Bayesian analysis

Astrophysics Source Code Library
2024-11 | Research protocol or technique
Contributors: Dupourqué, S.; Barret, D.; Diez, C. M.; Guillot, S.; Quintin, E.
Source: check_circle
NASA Astrophysics Data System

jaxspec: A fast and robust Python library for X-ray spectral fitting

Astronomy & Astrophysics
2024-10 | Journal article
Contributors: S. Dupourqué; D. Barret; C. M. Diez; S. Guillot; E. Quintin
Source: check_circle

An in-depth analysis of the variable cyclotron lines in GX 301−2

Astronomy & Astrophysics
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Nicolas Zalot; Ekaterina Sokolova-Lapa; Jakob Stierhof; Ralf Ballhausen; Aafia Zainab; Katja Pottschmidt; Felix Fürst; Philipp Thalhammer; Nazma Islam; Camille M. Diez et al.
Source: check_circle

Using Vela X-1 to understand accretion and wind structure in High-Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXB)

SF2A-2023: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics
2023-12 | Conference paper
Contributors: Diez, C. M.; Grinberg, V.; Fürst, F.; El Mellah, I.; Kretschmar, P.; Martínez Núñez, S.; Santangelo, A.
Source: check_circle
NASA Astrophysics Data System

Observing the onset of the accretion wake in Vela X-1

Astronomy & Astrophysics
2023-06 | Journal article
Contributors: C. M. Diez; V. Grinberg; F. Fürst; I. El Mellah; M. Zhou; A. Santangelo; S. Martínez-Núñez; R. Amato; N. Hell; P. Kretschmar
Source: check_circle

The spectral-timing analysis of Cygnus X-1 with Insight-HXMT

Astronomy & Astrophysics
2022-10 | Journal article
Contributors: M. Zhou; V. Grinberg; Q.-C. Bu; A. Santangelo; F. Cangemi; C. M. Diez; O. König; L. Ji; M. A. Nowak; K. Pottschmidt et al.
Source: check_circle

Continuum, cyclotron line, and absorption variability in the high-mass X-ray binary Vela X-1

Astronomy & Astrophysics
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: C. M. Diez; V. Grinberg; F. Fürst; E. Sokolova-Lapa; A. Santangelo; J. Wilms; K. Pottschmidt; S. Martínez-Núñez; C. Malacaria; P. Kretschmar
Source: check_circle

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Journal of high energy astrophysics. (1)