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Employment (1)

University of Minnesota: Minneapolis, MN, US

2001-09-01 to present | Professor (Minnesota Institute for Astrophsyics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Charles E. Woodward

Works (28)

The Coronal Lines of the High-excitation, Fe ii-type Nova V2467 Cygni

Research Notes of the AAS
2024-08-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Richard J. Rudy; Ray W. Russell; Michael L. Sitko; David K. Lynch; Charles E. Woodward
Source: check_circle

Estimate of Water and Hydroxyl Abundance on Asteroid (16) Psyche from JWST Data

The Planetary Science Journal
2024-08-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Stephanie G. Jarmak; Tracy M. Becker; Charles E. Woodward; Casey I. Honniball; Andrew S. Rivkin; Margaret M. McAdam; Zoe A. Landsman; Saverio Cambioni; Thomas G. Müller; Driss Takir et al.
Source: check_circle

A Photoionization Model for the Infrared Coronal Line Emission in the Classical Nova V1716 Scorpii

The Astrophysical Journal
2024-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: C. E. Woodward; G. Shaw; S. Starrfield; A. Evans; K. L. Page
Source: check_circle

Hydrodynamic Simulations of Oxygen–Neon Classical Novae as Galactic 7Li Producers and Potential Accretion-induced Collapse Progenitors*

The Astrophysical Journal
2024-02-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Sumner Starrfield; Maitrayee Bose; Christian Iliadis; W. Raphael Hix; Charles E. Woodward; R. Mark Wagner
Source: check_circle

Dust Properties of Comets Observed by Spitzer

The Planetary Science Journal
2023-12-01 | Journal article
Contributors: David E. Harker; Diane H. Wooden; Michael S. P. Kelley; Charles E. Woodward
Source: check_circle

Snowflakes in a Furnace: Formation of CO and Dust in a Recurrent Nova Eruption

The Astrophysical Journal Letters
2023-09-01 | Journal article
Contributors: D. P. K. Banerjee; C. E. Woodward; V. Joshi; A. Evans; F. M. Walter; G. H. Marion; E. Y. Hsiao; N. M. Ashok; R. D. Gehrz; S. Starrfield
Source: check_circle

V445 Puppis: Dustier than a Thousand Novae

The Astrophysical Journal Letters
2023-08-01 | Journal article
Contributors: D. P. K. Banerjee; A. Evans; C. E. Woodward; S. Starrfield; K. Y. L. Su; N. M. Ashok; R. M. Wagner
Source: check_circle

Erratum: “Final Spitzer IRAC Observations of the Rise and Fall of SN 1987A” (2020, ApJ, 890, 2) 

The Astrophysical Journal
2023-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Richard G. Arendt; Eli Dwek; Patrice Bouchet; I. John Danziger; Robert D. Gehrz; Sangwook Park; Charles E. Woodward
Source: check_circle

V1674 Hercules: It is Blowing out a Wind

Research Notes of the AAS
2022-06-15 | Journal article
Contributors: C. E. Woodward; R. Mark Wagner; Sumner Starrfield
Source: check_circle

Near-infrared Studies of Nova V1674 Herculis: A Shocking Record Breaker

The Astrophysical Journal Letters
2021-11-01 | Journal article
Contributors: C. E. Woodward; D. P. K. Banerjee; T. R. Geballe; K. L. Page; S. Starrfield; R. M. Wagner
Source: check_circle

The Infrared Evolution of Dust in V838 Monocerotis

The Astronomical Journal
2021-11-01 | Journal article
Contributors: C. E. Woodward; A. Evans; D. P. K. Banerjee; T. Liimets; A. A. Djupvik; S. Starrfield; G. C. Clayton; S. P. S. Eyres; R. D. Gehrz; R. M. Wagner
Source: check_circle

Nondetection of Water-ice Grains in the Coma of Comet 46P/Wirtanen and Implications for Hyperactivity

The Planetary Science Journal
2021-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Silvia Protopapa; Michael S. P. Kelley; Charles E. Woodward; Bin Yang
Source: check_circle

Spitzer Infrared Observations of the Galactic Classical Nova V2615 Ophiuchus

Research Notes of the AAS
2021-09-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Avi Punjabi; C. E. Woodward
Source: check_circle

The Coma Dust of Comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina): A Window into Carbon in the Solar System

The Planetary Science Journal
2021-02-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Charles E. Woodward; Diane H. Wooden; David E. Harker; Michael S. P. Kelley; Ray W. Russell; Daryl L. Kim
Source: check_circle

High-contrast Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy with ALES: The 3–4 μm Spectrum of κ Andromedae b

The Astronomical Journal
2020-12-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Jordan M. Stone; Travis Barman; Andrew J. Skemer; Zackery W. Briesemeister; Laci S. Brock; Philip M. Hinz; Jarron M. Leisenring; Charles E. Woodward; Michael F. Skrutskie; Eckhart Spalding
Source: check_circle

Near-infrared Spectroscopy of CK Vulpeculae: Revealing a Remarkably Powerful Blast from the Past

The Astrophysical Journal Letters
2020-12-01 | Journal article
Contributors: D. P. K. Banerjee; T. R. Geballe; A. Evans; M. Shahbandeh; C. E. Woodward; R. D. Gehrz; S. P. S. Eyres; S. Starrfield; A. Zijlstra
Source: check_circle

Carbon–Oxygen Classical Novae Are Galactic 7Li Producers as well as Potential Supernova Ia Progenitors

The Astrophysical Journal
2020-05-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Sumner Starrfield; Maitrayee Bose; Christian Iliadis; W. Raphael Hix; Charles E. Woodward; R. Mark Wagner
Source: check_circle

Lithium in T Coronae Borealis

The Astronomical Journal
2020-05-01 | Journal article
Contributors: C. E. Woodward; Ya. V. Pavlenko; A. Evans; R. M. Wagner; I. IIyin; K. G. Strassmeier; S. Starrfield; U. Munari
Source: check_circle

Benzyne in V4334 Sqr: A Quest for the Ring with SOFIA/EXES

The Astronomical Journal
2020-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: C. E. Woodward; A. Evans; M. Richter; C. N. DeWitt; E. Montiel; D. P. K. Banerjee; G. C. Clayton; S. P. S. Eyres; R. D. Gehrz; K. H. Hinkle et al.
Source: check_circle

Final Spitzer IRAC Observations of the Rise and Fall of SN 1987A

The Astrophysical Journal
2020-02-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Richard G. Arendt; Eli Dwek; Patrice Bouchet; I. John Danziger; Robert D. Gehrz; Sangwook Park; Charles E. Woodward
Source: check_circle

Infrared Spectroscopy of the Recent Outburst in V1047 Cen (Nova Centauri 2005)

The Astrophysical Journal Letters
2019-11-20 | Journal article
Contributors: T. R. Geballe; D. P. K. Banerjee; A. Evans; R. D. Gehrz; C. E. Woodward; P. Mróz; A. Udalski; U. Munari; S. Starrfield; K. L. Page et al.
Source: check_circle

Gas phase SiO in the circumstellar environment of the recurrent nova T Coronae Borealis

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2019-07-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0035-8711
Part of ISSN: 1365-2966
Source: Self-asserted source
Charles E. Woodward

High Spatial Resolution Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy with ALES: Resolved Spectra of the Benchmark Brown Dwarf Binary HD 130948BC

The Astronomical Journal
2019-05-30 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1538-3881
Source: Self-asserted source
Charles E. Woodward

The LEECH Exoplanet Imaging Survey: Limits on Planet Occurrence Rates under Conservative Assumptions

The Astronomical Journal
2018-11-28 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1538-3881
Source: Self-asserted source
Charles E. Woodward

Multiwavelength observations of V407 Lupi (ASASSN-16kt) – a very fast nova erupting in an intermediate polar

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2018-10-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0035-8711
Part of ISSN: 1365-2966
Source: Self-asserted source
Charles E. Woodward

ALMA reveals the aftermath of a white dwarf–brown dwarf merger in CK Vulpeculae

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2018-09-26 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0035-8711
Part of ISSN: 1365-2966
Source: Self-asserted source
Charles E. Woodward

The Temporal Development of Dust Formation and Destruction in Nova Sagittarii 2015#2 (V5668 SGR): A Panchromatic Study

The Astrophysical Journal
2018-05-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1538-4357
Source: Self-asserted source
Charles E. Woodward

Rise and fall of the dust shell of the classical nova V339 Delphini

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2017-01-13 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0035-8711
Part of ISSN: 1365-2966
Source: Self-asserted source
Charles E. Woodward