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Works (5)

The impact of continuing education on the increase in social inclusion and the improvement of the position in the labour market of unemployed, low-skilled adults

Andragoske studije
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Greef de, Maurice; Marloes Zijl; Visser Heimens, Merel; Dominique Verté; Mien Segers
Source: check_circle

Measuring mentoring in employability-oriented higher education programs: scale development and validation

Higher Education
2024-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Wendy Nuis; Mien Segers; Simon Beausaert
Source: check_circle

Measuring learning from others: The development and validation of the Proactive Social Informal Learning Questionnaire

International Journal of Training and Development
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Samantha Crans; Dominik Froehlich; Mien Segers; Simon Beausaert
Source: check_circle

Leader airtime management and team effectiveness in emergency management command and control (EMCC) teams

2023-10-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael Hoven; Mien Segers; Josette Gevers; Piet Van den Bossche
Source: check_circle

Sustainable Employability of Teaching Staff Members? A Multiple-Group Path Analysis of the Role of Age, Self-directed Learning Orientation and Job Characteristics for Employability

Vocations and Learning
2022-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Isabel Raemdonck; Simon Beausaert; Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden; Mien Segers
Source: check_circle