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Working as Associate Professor at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda. Major research areas: Thrombus Biology, Vascular Neurobiology, Nanobiology and Theranostics with focus on Platelets signaling, Platelet Immunology, Platelet derived Microvesicles, Pathogen-platelet interactions, Thrombotic risk factors identification, and Nanomedicine. Received a Ph.D. degree from Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. I contributed impressively to the study of signaling pathways in human blood platelets for their role in blood coagulation (thrombosis) and hemostasis. Besides, explore the interface between Thrombus Biology and Nanotechnology and developed a miniaturized highly specific nano-bioengineered biocompatible sensor for the detection of cardiovascular diseases including athero-thrombotic, coronary artery diseases, and myocardial infarction. Research findings have been published in more than 50 internationally reputed journals with one granted Indian patent and more than ten invited book chapters in the area of thrombus biology and nanomedicine for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Springer, Elsevier, and Wiley-Blackwell publications. In recognition of my significant contributions in the field of biomedical sciences, I have been awarded the prestigious NASI Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award 2015 and INSA Medal for Young Scientist, 2014 from the National Academy of Sciences Allahabad India and Indian National Academy of Sciences India respectively. Also selected for INSPIRE Faculty Award-2012, Department of Science and Technology India and the Foundation of Science and Technology (FCT) Postdoctoral Fellowship 2012, Portugal.
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DST/NM/NB/2018/40 (G)
Works (50 of 66)