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Works (20)

Consensual and Unsolicited Sexting are Not Completely Distinct Behaviors

Sexuality & Culture
2025-02-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Emma J. Holmes; Lindsay V. Healey; Kelly M. Babchishin; Evelyn Thorne
Source: check_circle

Gender/Sex Preferences May Moderate the Relationship between Cohabitation and Sibling Incest

Archives of Sexual Behavior
2024-12-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Kelly M. Babchishin; Emma J. Holmes; Rainer Banse; Michael C. Seto
Source: check_circle

Safe Sexting, Sexual Orientation, and Gender: Risky Sexting in a Community Sample

Archives of Sexual Behavior
2024-12-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Emma J. Holmes; Kelly M. Babchishin
Source: check_circle

Characteristics and risk factors for sibling incest

2024-12-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Kelly M. Babchishin; Tijani Idris Ahmad Oseni; Emma J. Holmes; Rainer Banse; Lisa Huppertz; Michael C. Seto
Source: check_circle

Risk to reoffend changes over time: Improving correctional programming through progress monitoring.

Psychological Assessment
2024-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Kelly M. Babchishin; R. Karl Hanson; Seung C. Lee
Source: check_circle

What’s God got to do with it? The relationship between religion, sadism, and masochism

Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention
2024-09-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Brooke Davis; Crystal Evanoff; Kelly M. Babchishin
Source: check_circle

Non-consensual forwarding of sexts: characteristics and overlap with in-person sexual coercion

Journal of Sexual Aggression
2024-09-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Emma J. Holmes; Serra Baskurt; Gabriella Hilkes; Kelly M. Babchishin
Source: check_circle

Emotional Congruence with Children: An Empirical Examination of Different Models in Men with a History of Sexually Offending Against Children

Sexual Abuse
2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Julia M. Fraser; Kelly M. Babchishin; L. Maaike Helmus
Source: check_circle

Sexting in Young Adults: A Normative Sexual Behavior

Archives of Sexual Behavior
2024-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Evelyn Thorne; Kelly M. Babchishin; Rebecca Fisico; Lindsay Healey
Source: check_circle

ACUTE-2007 and STABLE-2007 predict recidivism for men adjudicated for child sexual exploitation material offending.

Law and Human Behavior
2023-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Kelly M. Babchishin; Ségolène Dibayula; Chiara McCulloch; R. Karl Hanson; L. Maaike Helmus
Source: check_circle

Addressing racial bias in parole decisions: A pre-registered study of the Five-Level Risk and Needs System of risk communication

Psychology, Crime & Law
2023-05-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Charlotte Aelick; Julie Blais; Kelly M. Babchishin
Source: check_circle

Temporal order of sexual offending is risk-relevant for individuals with child sexual exploitation materials offences

Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention
2022-12-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Kelly M. Babchishin; Seung C. Lee; Angela W. Eke; Michael C. Seto
Source: check_circle

Dynamic risk factors in adult men who committed sexual offenses: Replication and comparison of networks found in two independent samples.

Psychology of Violence
2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Jan Willem van den Berg; Jolanda J. Kossakowski; Wineke Smid; Kelly M. Babchishin; Denny Borsboom; Erick Janssen; Daan van Beek; Luk Gijs
Source: check_circle

Viewing Time Measures of Sexual Interest and Sexual Offending Propensity: An Online Survey of Fathers

Archives of Sexual Behavior
2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Patrizia Pezzoli; Kelly Babchishin; Lesleigh Pullman; Michael C. Seto
Source: check_circle

Applying Offending Trajectory Analyses to Men Adjudicated for Child Sexual Exploitation Material Offenses

Criminal Justice and Behavior
2022-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Kelly M. Babchishin; Angela W. Eke; Seung C. Lee; Nicole Lewis; Michael C. Seto
Source: check_circle

Attraction to Physical and Psychological Features of Children in Child-Attracted Persons

The Journal of Sex Research
2022-03-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Frederica M. Martijn; Kelly M. Babchishin; Lesleigh E. Pullman; Kailey Roche; Michael C. Seto
Source: check_circle

Improving our Risk Communication: Standardized Risk Levels for BARR-2002R

2021-08-17 | Preprint
Contributors: Julie Blais; Kelly M. Babchishin; R. Karl Hanson
Source: check_circle

Monitoring changes in risk of reoffending: A prospective study of 632 men on community supervision.

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
2020-10-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Kelly M. Babchishin; R. Karl Hanson
Source: check_circle

Sexual Attraction and Falling in Love in Persons with Pedohebephilia

Archives of Sexual Behavior
2020-05-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Frederica M. Martijn; Kelly M. Babchishin; Lesleigh E. Pullman; Michael C. Seto
Source: check_circle

The association between childhood sexual abuse and sexual coercion in men: a test of possible mediators

Journal of Sexual Aggression
2020-05-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Chloe I. Pedneault; Kelly M. Babchishin; Martin L. Lalumière; Michael C. Seto
Source: check_circle

Peer review (11 reviews for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Archives of sexual behavior. (11)