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Works (4)

The Linear Algebra Mapping Problem. Current State of Linear Algebra Languages and Libraries

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
2022-09-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Christos Psarras; Henrik Barthels; Paolo Bientinesi
Source: check_circle

Linnea: A Compiler for Mapping Linear Algebra Problems onto High-Performance Kernel Libraries

2022-03 | Dissertation or Thesis
Contributors: Henrik Barthels
Source: Self-asserted source
Henrik Barthels

Linnea: Automatic Generation of Efficient Linear Algebra Programs

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
2021-09-30 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Henrik Barthels
Preferred source (of 2)‎

MatchPy: Pattern Matching in Python

Journal of Open Source Software
2018-06-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Manuel Krebber; Henrik Barthels
Source: check_circle