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Solomon Mingle is a doctor of Electrical/Electronics and Systems Engineering specialize in Biomedical devices,Microwave and Terahertz Communications and also Head of the Metamaterials Engineering Laboratory. He leads research on medical device application,electromagnetic metamaterial structures, antennas, microwave, mm-wave and THz circuits. He is an expert on the analysis and design of artificial periodic metamaterials/metasurfaces, electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structures and frequency selective surfaces (FSS), high-gain and base station antennas, leaky wave antennas, small/compact antennas, computational electromagnetics, microwave/mm-wave/THz circuits and bio-electromagnetic systems.
He has authored several journal and conference papers on artificial electromagnetic surfaces and antennas and has published over 20 papers in peer reviewed international journals and conference proceedings. He has presented a number of invited papers and seminars in international conferences and European PhD schools. He has been a member of organising and technical committees and chaired sessions in international conferences. He is a regular reviewer for several journals including IEEE, IET, IoP and Nature Communications, and is a member of the UK EPSRC Peer Review College. His research has been funded primarily by EPSRC and Industr