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Guillaume Lozenguez is Assistant Professor in Computing Sciences at the IMT-Lille-Douai from October 2014. He defended a Ph. D. "Cooperative strategies for a fleet of mobile robots moving in open cluttered environment" at the University of Caen Basse-Normandie (France) in December 2012.

His research focuses on modeling Artificial Agents in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) applied in mobile robotics and transportation systems.

He is interested in models allowing Agents to perform tasks (planing, scheduling and coordination) or to simulate behaviors in complex systems as realistic as possible. The defended approaches are based on Markov Chain formalisms (automata with stochastic transitions). The goal consists in defining and/or learning state variables and action rules to allow agents to reach their goals or to produce expected behaviors.


Employment (1)

IMT Nord Europe: Douai, Nord, FR

2014-09-01 to present | Assistant professor (CERI Digital System)
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez

Works (35)

Utility-based agent model for intermodal behaviors: a case study for urban toll in Lille

Applied Intelligence
2025-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Azise Oumar Diallo; Guillaume Lozenguez; Arnaud Doniec; René Mandiau
Source: check_circle

A Hybrid Genetic Approach for Bi-Level Flexible Job Shops Arising from Selective Deconstruction

2023-07-01 | Conference paper
Contributors: Corentin Juvigny; Julien Baste; Guillaume Lozenguez; Arnaud Doniec; Laetitia Jourdan
Source: check_circle

Agent-Based Approach for (Peri-)Urban Inter-Modality Policies: Application to Real Data from the Lille Metropolis

2023-02-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Azise Oumar Diallo; Guillaume Lozenguez; Arnaud Doniec; René Mandiau
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Digitalisation de la déconstruction sélective : simulation et optimisation des filières

2022-02-23 | Conference paper
Contributors: Corentin Juvigny; Julien Baste; Guillaume Lozenguez; Arnaud Doniec; Laeticia Jourdan
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Agent-based simulation from anonymized data: An application to Lille metropolis

2021 | Conference paper
Contributors: Azise Diallo; Arnaud Doniec; Guillaume Lozenguez; René Mandiau
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Multi-models machine learning methods for traffic flow estimation from Floating Car Data

Transportation research. Part C, Emerging technologies
2021-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Jinjian Li; Guillaume Lozenguez; Jacques Boonaert; Arnaud Doniec
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Planning in the midst of chaos: how a stochastic Blood Bowl model can help to identify key planning features

2021-08-17 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jérémie Humeau; Alexis Lebis; Mathieu Vermeulen; Guillaume Lozenguez
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Usage des parkings relais dans les comportements de déplacements intermodaux : Génération de demande de population d'agents à partir de données réelles

2021-06-28 | Conference paper
Contributors: Azise Diallo; Guillaume Lozenguez; Arnaud Doniec; René Mandiau
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

On the Distributivity of Multi-agent Markov Decision Processes for Mobile-Robotics

2021-06-01 | Conference paper
Contributors: Guillaume Lozenguez
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Toward an Innovative Educational Method to Train Students to Agile Approaches in Higher Education: The A.L.P.E.S.

Education Sciences
2021-05 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Jannik Laval; Anthony Fleury; Abir Karami; Alexis Lebis; Guillaume Lozenguez; Rémy Pinot; Mathieu Vermeulen
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Comparative Evaluation of Road Traffic Simulators based on Modeler’s Specifications: An Application to Intermodal Mobility Behaviors

2021-02-04 | Conference paper
Contributors: Azise Diallo; Guillaume Lozenguez; Arnaud Doniec; René Mandiau
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Towards a distributed planning of decision making under uncertainty for a fleet of robots

2020-03-30 | Conference paper
Contributors: Paul Jourdan; Guillaume Lozenguez; Luc Fabresse; Noury Bouraqadi
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Approche de comparaison des simulateurs de trafic routier

2019-03-08 | Conference paper
Contributors: Azise Diallo; Arnaud Doniec; Guillaume Lozenguez; René Mandiau
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Dynamic on-line multimodal route planning with least expected travel time in the stochastic and time-dependent bus network

Academic Leadership
2019-01-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Jinjian Li; Arnaud Doniec; Jacques Boonaert; Guillaume Lozenguez
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Which Traffic Simulator Is Suitable for Customized Behaviors in Multi-Modal Scenarios

2018-11-04 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jinjian Li; Guillaume Lozenguez; Arnaud Doniec; Jacques Boonaert
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Simulation Architecture Based on Distributive MDP for Inland Waterway Management

2018-10-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Guillaume Desquesnes; Debora Alves; Éric Duviella; Guillaume Lozenguez; Arnaud Doniec
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

A New Integrated Multimodal Multi-criteria Route Planning Method in Bus Network Considering Passengers's Walking Behavior

2018-09-03 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jinjian Li; Arnaud Doniec; Jacques Boonaert; Guillaume Lozenguez
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Evaluation of Out-of-the-Box ROS 2D SLAMs for Autonomous Exploration of Unknown Indoor Environments

2018-08-04 | Book chapter
Contributors: Xuan Sang Le; Luc Fabresse; Noury Bouraqadi; Guillaume Lozenguez
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

PolyMap: A 2D Polygon-Based Map Format for Multi-robot Autonomous Indoor Localization and Mapping

2018-08-03 | Book chapter
Contributors: Johann Dichtl; Luc Fabresse; Guillaume Lozenguez; Noury Bouraqadi
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Management tools to study and to deal with effects of climate change on inland waterways

Academic Open Internet Journal
2018-04-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Guillaume Lozenguez; Pablo Segovia Castillo; Guillaume Desquesnes; Arnaud Doniec; Éric Duviella; Fatiha Nejjari Akhi-Elarab; Vicenç Puig; Lala Rajaoarisoa
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Efficient management of hydrographical networks in a global change context

2018-04-08 | Conference paper
Contributors: Éric Duviella; Arnaud Doniec; Guillaume Lozenguez; Lala Rajaoarisoa
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Towards a distribution of large scale MDP. Case study of inland waterway networks

Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série RIA : Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Guillaume Desquesnes; Guillaume Lozenguez; Doniec Arnaud; Eric Duviella
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Distributed MDP for water resources planning and management in inland waterways

2017-07-11 | Conference paper
Contributors: Guillaume Desquesnes; Guillaume Lozenguez; Arnaud Doniec; Eric Duviella
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Large Markov Decision Processes based management strategy of inland waterways in uncertain context

2017-06-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Guillaume Desquesnes; Guillaume Lozenguez; Arnaud Doniec; Eric Duviella
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

A Global Approach For Investigating Resilience In Inland Navigation Network Dealing With Climate Change Context

Procedia Engineering
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Guillaume Lozenguez; Guillaume Desquesnes; Houda Nouasse; Arnaud Doniec; Éric Duviella
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Dealing with Large MDPs, case study of waterway networks supervision

2016 | Conference paper
Contributors: Guillaume Desquesnes; Guillaume Lozenguez; Arnaud Doniec; Eric Duviella
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Planning large systems with MDPs: case study of inland waterways supervision

2016-12-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Guillaume Desquesnes; Guillaume Lozenguez; Arnaud Doniec; Éric Duviella
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Livrable L5 : Partage du contrôle Homme(s)-Robot(s)

2016-09 | Report
Contributors: Mohamed Djemai; Michael Defoort; Guillaume Demesure; Marie-Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine; Lydia Habib; Xianyi Zeng; Ludovic Koehl; Guillaume Tartare; Noureddine Manamanni; Nadhir Messai et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Vector Maps: A Lightweight and Accurate Map Format for Multi-robot Systems

2016-08-03 | Book chapter
Contributors: Khelifa Baizid; Guillaume Lozenguez; Luc Fabresse; Noury Bouraqadi
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

MDP à grande échelle : étude de cas des voies navigables

2016-06-27 | Conference paper
Contributors: Guillaume Desquesnes; Guillaume Lozenguez; Arnaud Doniec; Éric Duviella
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Punctual versus continuous auction coordination for multi-robot and multi-task topological navigation

Autonomous Robots
2016-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Guillaume Lozenguez; Lounis Adouane; Aurelie Beynier; Abdel-Illah Mouaddib; Philippe Martinet
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Simultaneous Auctions for "Rendez-Vous" Coordination Phases in Multi-robot Multi-task Mission

2013 | Conference paper
Contributors: Guillaume Lozenguez; Abdel-Illah Mouaddib; Aurelie Beynier; Lounis Adouane; Philippe Martinet
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Map Partitioning to Approximate an Exploration Strategy in Mobile Robotics

Multiagent and Grid Systems - An International Journal of Cloud Computing
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Guillaume Lozenguez; Lounis Adouane; Aurélie Beynier; Abdel-Illah Mouaddib; Philippe Martinet
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Cooperative strategies for a fleet of mobile robots moving in open clustered environment

2012-12-11 | Dissertation or Thesis
Contributors: Guillaume Lozenguez
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Calcul distribué de politiques d'exploration pour une flotte de robots mobiles

2011 | Conference paper
Contributors: Guillaume Lozenguez; Lounis Adouane; Aurélie Beynier; Abdel-Illah Mouaddib; Philippe Martinet
Source: Self-asserted source
Guillaume Lozenguez via HAL

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Sensors. (1)