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Roman Wenne is a Polish-born marine biologist and author of publications on ecology, ecological genetics and environmental genomics of marine animals. He has received M.Sc. from at the University of Gdańsk in 1979 in biological oceanography for his work on the zoobenthos of the Gulf of Gdansk, his Ph.D. in the Institute of Ecology Polish Academy of Sciences in 1985 for his work on spatial differentiation of condition, storage of energy reserves and reproduction of bivalve clam Macoma balthica populations in the Gulf of Gdańsk, and his D.Sc. at the University of Gdańsk in 1996 for a book publication ‘Spatial differentiation and evolution of some marine bivalve mollusc species’ (1). He was awarded the title of professor in biology in 2004.
He pioneered research in molecular population genetics of marine fish and bivalves in Poland. He has organized and headed first laboratories of genetics of marine animals in Poland: in the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAS) in Sopot (1986-88), Marine Biology Center of Polish Academy of Sciences (1989-2001) subsequently joined to IO PAS in 2002 (2); and in Sea Fisheries Institute in Gdynia (1996-2000) (3). Both labs have been functioning till present. He was Head of Department of Zoology and Director of Marine Biology Center in Gdynia before 2002, and Head of Department of Genetics and Marine Biotechnology in the IO PAS in the years 2002-2003 and 2014-2017. He was a postdoctoral fellow of the Royal Society, EC INCO Copernicus and senior researcher funded from the EC INCO Strategic Action on Training and Excellence in the Great Britain. He was a Polish participant of the EU funded research projects, Network of Excellence on Marine Genomics, and Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories Expanded. He was awarded research grants in Poland and created a group of collaborators in the 90ties, which has been investigating evolutionary biogeography of world populations of mussels Mytilus, population genomics of salmonids with implications for conservation, enhancement of populations and fisheries, genomic differentiation and adaptation of cod populations in low salinity waters in the Baltic Sea. He has accomplished field travels to research stations, institutes and universities on five continents and contributed presentations to many national and international conferences.
He is author or co-author of approximately 100 papers published in international scientific journals. He was a person conferring 10 Ph.D. theses, and served as reviewer of 16 Ph.D. theses, 12 habilitation theses and 6 professorships.

1) Wenne, R. 1993. Spatial differentiation and evolution of some marine bivalve mollusc species (Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne i ewolucja wybranych gatunków małży morskich). Edition: Rozprawy i monografie 191, Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, ISBN: 83-7017-467-1.
2) Dera, J., Massel, S., Wyrwiński, J., 2013. 60 lat Instytutu Oceanologii PAN w Sopocie: ludzie, wydarzenia i osiągnięcia. Instytut Oceanologii PAN. Sopot, 218 pp. ISBN 978-83-921552-9-4
3) Ropelewski A. 2001. Morski Instytut Rybacki: Ludzie i wydarzenia 1920-2001. Gdynia. Wyd. MIR, 194 pp. ISBN 83-908885-5-6.

Nauka Polska:


Employment (1)

Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences: Sopot, Pomerania, PL

Professor (Department of Genetics and Marine Biotechnology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Roman Wenne

Peer review (13 reviews for 5 publications/grants)

Review activity for Aquaculture. (7)
Review activity for Genes. (1)
Review activity for Heredity (2)
Review activity for Journal of Applied Genetics. (2)
Review activity for Thalassas. (1)