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Works (23)

Utilizations of AI in Cryptography

2024-05-31 | Book chapter
Contributors: Meera S.; Dinesh Kumar S.; Sharmikha Sree R.; Kalpana R. A.; Deepika R.
Source: check_circle

Fog Assisted Computing Architecture for Healthcare IOT

2023-08-02 | Journal article
Contributors: ; ; ;
Source: Self-asserted source
Sharmikha Sree R

Handwriting Identification System Using Machine Learning

2023-08-02 | Journal article
Contributors: ; ; ; ;
Source: Self-asserted source
Sharmikha Sree R

A Growth System Based on Zigbee and IoT for Agriculture

2023-04-20 | Journal article
Contributors: ;
Source: Self-asserted source
Sharmikha Sree R

Squad Help – An Emotion based Music Player

2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)
2023-01-23 | Conference paper
Contributors: D K Chandrasekaran; S. Meera; R.Sharmika Sree; N Sathish; K Balakrishnan
Source: Self-asserted source
Sharmikha Sree R

Dealing with claustrophobia using virtual reality

AIP Conference Proceedings
2022 | Conference paper
Contributors: Sree, R.S.; Meera, S.; Deepika, R.; Kalpana, R.A.; Ramya, N.; Ganga, A.
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Sales upsurge system

AIP Conference Proceedings
2022 | Conference paper
Contributors: Kalpana, R.A.; Sree, R.S.; Meera, S.; Ramya, N.; Deepika, R.; Ganga, A.; Devi, M.K.
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

SPED-Net: Speech emotion detection network

AIP Conference Proceedings
2022 | Conference paper
Contributors: Meera, S.; Sree, R.S.; Deepika, R.; Kalpana, R.A.; Ganga, A.; Ramya, N.
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

A Review on Forensic Investigation Analysis in Cloud Computing Environments

2022 1st International Conference on Computational Science and Technology (ICCST)
2022-11-09 | Conference paper
Contributors: R.Sharmikha Sree; K. Raja
Source: Self-asserted source
Sharmikha Sree R

Animal Detection Alert System

2022 1st International Conference on Computational Science and Technology (ICCST)
2022-11-09 | Conference paper
Contributors: S Meera; R Sharmikha sree; K Priyadharshini; P.V. Varshitha; R. SaiCharitha
Source: Self-asserted source
Sharmikha Sree R

Hostel Management

2022 1st International Conference on Computational Science and Technology (ICCST)
2022-11-09 | Conference paper
Contributors: Harina P; Kavya K K; Sharmikha Sree R; Meera S
Source: Self-asserted source
Sharmikha Sree R

Smart Lampadaire System with Water Sensor

2022 1st International Conference on Computational Science and Technology (ICCST)
2022-11-09 | Conference paper
Contributors: R. Sharmikha Sree; Sivaranjani D; Kavya Keerthana M
Source: Self-asserted source
Sharmikha Sree R

An Integration of Various Virtual Environments to Overcome Claustrophobia using Virtual Reality

2022 International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing (ICAAIC)
2022-05-09 | Conference paper
Part of ISBN: 9781665497107
Source: Self-asserted source
Sharmikha Sree R

Object Detection for Visually Challenged Using Image Processing

2022 International Conference on Communication, Computing and Internet of Things (IC3IoT)
2022-03-10 | Conference paper
Contributors: Meera S; Sharmikha Sree; Manasvinii S R; Haritha V
Source: Self-asserted source
Sharmikha Sree R

Automatic Bridge Monitoring System Using IoT

Advances in Parallel Computing
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: SharmikhaSree.R; Meera.S; Deepika.R; DivyaS; Priyadarshini V S
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

IOT Based Weather Reporting System Using Arduino and Node MCU

Advances in Parallel Computing
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Meera.S; Sharmikha Sree.R; Kalpana R.A; S.R. Manasvinii; Haritha.V; K. Valarmathi
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync


International Conference on Signal Processing & Communications (SPCOM)
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Kalpana, R. A.; Sree, Sharmikha R.; Meera, S.; Ganga, A.; Shashwenth, M.; Vishnupriyan, P.; Barath, M. S.
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Automated Irrigation System and Detection of Nutrient Content in the Soil

International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS)
2020 | Conference paper
Contributors: Prasad G V, A.; Sree, R.S.; Meera, S.; Kalpana, R.A.
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Prostate cancer discernment

International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS)
2020 | Conference paper
Contributors: Maheswari, M.; Meera, S.; Sree, R.S.; Kalpana, R.A.
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Effective shopping method for visually impaired people using optical character recognition

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
2019 | Journal article


Contributors: Meera, S.; Sharmikha Sree, R.; valarmathi, K.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sharmikha Sree R via Scopus - Elsevier

Integrated ambulance service with advanced real time traffic control systems

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
2019 | Journal article


Contributors: Sharmikha Sree, R.; Meera, S.; Valarmathi, K.; Periasamy, J.K.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sharmikha Sree R via Scopus - Elsevier

Advanced Toll Plaza Monitoring by Utilization of WSN Modules

International Journal of Engineering & Technology
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: R Deepika; R A.Kalpana; S Meera; R Sharmikha Sree
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Multitudinous of remedial medical image using stationary wavelet transform

International Journal of Engineering & Technology
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Mrs. S. Meera; Mrs. R. Sharmikha Sree; Mrs R. Deepika; Mrs R. A. Kalpana
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync