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After graduating from Medical School, I did my Ph.D. in Genetics at the Pasteur Institute and UPMC in Paris, France. Subsequently, I did my postdoc at The Rockefeller University, New York, USA, in the Brivanlou lab. In 2008, I established my research group at the Max Delbrück Center in Berlin, Germany, where I have initiated new lines of investigation on the control of pancreatic cell identity and lineage reprogramming strategies. Subsequently, in 2018 the Spagnoli lab. moved to join the Centre for Gene Therapy & Regenerative Medicine at King’s. My lab also devises strategies for engineering pancreatic cells for cell replacement therapies for diabetes. I have been the recipient of multiple prestigious awards, including an ERC Starting grant and ERC Proof-of-Concept grant, Wellcome Trust Investigator award. I am the coordinator of a FET Open European Consortium, called 'Pan3DP', on bioengineering pancreatic tissue. I am the Director of the Wellcome Trust PhD programme ‘Advanced Therapies for Regenerative Medicine”.
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FETOPEN-01-2016-2017 PAN3DP