Personal information

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Professional experience: Sandra Musabwasoni is an Assistant Lecturer from University of Rwanda, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Nursing and Midwifery. She is a midwife educator with specialty of leadership in nursing education. She is best in both post-positivism and critical research paradigms.

Career Objective

Towards the provision of relevant practice to support Maternal, newborn and child Health, the objective is to use my academic and experiential expertise to support and develop nursing and midwifery professions through an academic research-based healthcare, to get informed about related needs of staff and leaners in this field in return apply knowledge in advancement of the professions and deliver the necessary care to the mothers, newborns and children. In the end, society.

Research Interests

My research interests surround maternal newborn and child health. To alive at this, my focus as an educator is the evaluation of factors that may hinder the performance of graduated students from nursing and midwifery education, working in team to develop the intervention aimed at building strong relationship between nursing schools and clinical settings with the emphasize of the theory of behavior change during professional practices. Additionally, ensure that professionals in-service, graduated from the UR, continually provide care to clients to save their lives. This will be evaluated through the relevant researches aiming at advocating for the best of the clients and reminding professionals to serve the purpose


Employment (1)

University of Rwanda: Kigali, Kigali city, RW

2010-07-21 to present | Assistant Lecturer (Midwifery)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

Education and qualifications (1)

Western University: London, ON, CA

2017-09-04 to 2019-08-30 | Master of Science in Nursing/ Leadership in Nursing Education (Health Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

Professional activities (6)

Sigma Theta Tau International: Indianapolis, IN, US

2018-04-10 to present | Iota Omicron
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

International Confederation of Midwives: The Hague, NL

2016-06-24 to present | Master Educator of Competence Based Education
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

Western University: London, ON, CA

2019-10-24 | Master of Science in Nursing (Health Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

University of Rwanda: Ngoma, Kibungo, RW

2013-05-11 to 2015-12-30 | Head of midwifery department (Midwifery)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

University of Rwanda: Nyarugenge, Kigali, RW

2015-07-31 | Bachelor of science in nursing (Midwifery) (Midwifery)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

Kibungo School of Nursing and Midwifery: Ngoma, Kibungo, RW

2013-10-07 | Advanced diploma degree (Midwifery)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

Funding (4)

Safe Abortion research study

2020-10 to 2020-12 | Contract
Rwanda Society of Gycologists and Obstetricians (Kigali, Easter Africa, RW)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

Assessing the Impact of Mentorship on Nurses' and Midwives' knowledge and self-efficacy in Managing postpartum Hemorrhage

2019-07 to 2019-07 | Award
Western University (ON, ON, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

Competence Based Education

2017-11 to 2017-11 | Contract
International Confederation of Midwives (The Hague, NL)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

Competence-Based Education Training

United Nations for Population Fund, UNFPA-Rwanda through the University of Rwanda (Kigali, RW)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

Works (3)

COVID-19 Pandemic: Adaptation in Antenatal Care for Better Pregnancy Outcomes

Frontiers in Global Women's Health
2020-11-13 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2673-5059
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

Assessing the impact of mentorship on nurses’ and midwives’ knowledge and self-efficacy in managing postpartum hemorrhage

International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship
2020-09-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1548-923X
Part of ISSN: 2194-5772
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

Considering Healthcare Insurance to Uninsured Individuals in Rwanda

Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences
2019-03-25 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2616-9827
Part of ISSN: 2616-9819
Source: Self-asserted source
Marie Grace Sandra Musabwasoni

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for PLOS global public health. (1)