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Full Professor/Professora Titular of the Communication Faculty of the State University of Rio de Janeiro. She has developed a postdoctoral research in Sociology at the Centre d'Études sur l'Actuel et le Quotidien de l'Université Paris-Descartes / Sorbonne (2009-2011) and a postdoctoral research in Sociology at the Faculté des Sciences Sociales de l'Université de Strasbourg (2020/2021). PhD in Communication Sciences at School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo. Master in Information Science by Communication Studies School/UFRJ and / IBICT / CNPq. She has a specialization degree in Urban Sociology and graduated in Communication at UERJ. She has professional and academic experience (teaching, research and extension) in Communication, investigating mainly subjects as body, culture, gender, city, imaginary, contemporary dance, cultural journalism. She is the author of books and compilations about communication, body and culture and about communication and science, among them "The social construction of emotions: body and sense production in communication" (Sulina, 2015) and "The body represented: art, media and production of meanings "(EdUerj, 2014). She worked as editor of the academic journals "Contemporânea" and "Logos". She had also been coordinator (2014-2016) and assistant coordinator (2012-2014) of the Graduate Program in Communication at UERJ. Journalist specialized in cultural journalism. She used to be coordinator of the Integrated Communication Laboratory. Currently coordinates the project Laboratory in Communication, interaction and culture (Lampe / PPGCom).


Employment (1)

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BR

Professor (Media studies faculty)
Source: Self-asserted source
Denise da Costa Oliveira Siqueira