Personal information


Holly Saron is a Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow at Edge Hill University. Holly has a Geography and Demography and Health background with an undergraduate degree from the University of Dundee, Scotland and a Masters degree from the University of Liverpool. Her work is primarily qualitative, child-centred and arts-based.

Holly's PhD research explored the communication that occurs during a child’s X-ray procedure and children and parent’s perceptions of the interaction and procedure. She is experienced in non-participant observation and has also designed and utilised participatory arts-based methods to promote inclusion of participants in research.

Holly's research interests include:
o Children, young people and families experiences relating to their health or healthcare
o Children, young people and families communication and interactions with each other and with clinicians during clinical procedures
o Child health technology including tele-consultations and early warning systems using mobile applications/ digital platforms


Employment (2)

Edge Hill University: Ormskirk, GB

Graduate Teaching Assistant (Applied Health and Social Care)
Source: Self-asserted source
Holly Saron

Edge Hill University: Ormskirk, GB

(Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Holly Saron

Education and qualifications (4)

University of Liverpool: Liverpool, GB

MSc Population and Health (Geography)
Source: Self-asserted source
Holly Saron

University of Dundee : Dundee, Dundee, GB

BSc (hons) Geography (Geography)
Source: Self-asserted source
Holly Saron

Edge Hill University: Ormskirk, Lancashire, GB

PGCert in Higher Education
Source: Self-asserted source
Holly Saron

Edge Hill University: Ormskirk, Lancashire, GB

PhD: A Constructivist Grounded Theory of Communication during a Child's X-ray Procedure: 'Playing a Part in the Performance' (Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Holly Saron

Professional activities (1)

Higher Education Academy: York, North Yorkshire, GB

Fellow of the HEA
Source: Self-asserted source
Holly Saron