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Dr Chioma Izzi-Engbeaya is a Clinical Academic in the Section of Endocrinology and Investigative Medicine and a Consultant Endocrinologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. Her research and clinical interests include assessing the hormonal interactions between metabolic and reproductive systems, as well as investigating the management of obesity and obesity-related co-morbidities.
Dr Izzi-Engbeaya completed her undergraduate medical training at Guy’s Kings and St Thomas’ Medical School in 2004. During this time she also completed an Intercalated BSc in Endocrinology. Her junior doctor training posts were undertaken at various London NHS Trusts including Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. She became an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow during her training as a Diabetes and Endocrinology Registrar and was subsequently awarded a 1-year Imperial Health Charity Fellowship, followed by an MRC Clinical Research Training PhD Fellowship in 2014. She completed her PhD (investigating the neuroendocrine control of metabolism and reproduction) with Professor Waljit Dhillo and Dr James Gardiner in 2018. In 2019, she was awarded an Imperial College-BRC funded IPPRF Clinical Research Fellowship, during which she investigated the impact of reproductive hormones on metabolic conditions. In 2024, she was awarded an NIHR Senior Clinical and Practitioner Research Award, and continues to undertake translational and clinical research.
Alongside her research and clinical work, Dr Izzi-Engbeaya is actively involved in education and training. In 2020, she was appointed the Academic Lead for the Implementation of the BMA Charter, and from 2021-2024 she was the Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity in Imperial College School of Medicine. In addition, Dr Izzi-Engbeaya is the Pathway Director of the Pharmacology Intercalated BSc (Imperial College School of Medicine) and the Deputy Director of the Clinical Academic Training Office (Imperial College Academic Health Science Centre).