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Psychologist, Doctorate in Science, Post-Doctorate in Psychology from the Catholic University of Brasília. Full Professor at the Federal University of Pará; CNPq Productivity Scholarship holder - level 1D, engaged in undergraduate academic activities in the Faculty of Psychology. Permanent lecturer in two postgraduate programmes in Psychology at UFPA: the Postgraduate Programme in Psychology (PPGP), CAPES rating 4, and the Postgraduate Programme in Theory and Research of Behaviour (PPGTPC), CAPES rating 6. Coordinator of the Laboratory of Development and Health (LADS), a research group registered in the CNPq Research Directory. He is dedicated to teaching, research, and extension activities, linked to the research lines Psychology, Society and Health, and Ecoethology of Development. The Laboratory develops research projects through various research designs and methodological strategies that investigate human development, psychological assessment, and the care system in various contexts, especially in the Amazon. He develops extension projects involving interventions in psychological clinics, diagnosis, and treatment of patients at the University Hospital. The research focuses on human development (childhood, elderly, and family), extension activities are carried out in the Anxiety and Depression Outpatient Programme (AMBAD) at the Bettina Ferro Hospital of the Federal University of Pará, and teaching involves undergraduate and postgraduate teaching activities, academic supervision, and internship supervision. His research topics include human development in biopsychosocial aspects, psychotherapeutic interventions, studies on family and mental health, psychopathological processes, and diagnostic assessment of developmental and personality disorders using various psychodiagnostic assessment methods (psychological tests, interviews, observations, developmental and intelligence scales). He participates in the National Association of Research and Postgraduate Studies in Psychology (ANPEPP) in the Working Group: Family, Development Processes, and Health Promotion. Currently, he is part of the board of the Brazilian Association of Health Psychology (ABPSA), an associate member of the Brazilian Institute of Psychological Assessment (IBAP). Associate editor of the journals: Psychology Theory and Research; Frontiers in Psychiatry, and Psychological Reports - Colombia. He also serves as a reviewer for the following journals: BMJ Open, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Frontiers in Psychology, Journal of Happiness Studies, Psychology from the Caribbean, Psico-USF, and Changes - Health Psychology. He has international cooperation projects with Technische Universität-Dortmund, Germany.