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Dr B. K. Behera is working as a professor in the Department of Textile and Fiber Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. His area of specialization includes Fabric manufacturing, 3D weaving, Textile Structural Composites, Mechanics of Textile Structure and Project Management. His Current research interest includes the Design and manufacturing of Textile structural composites, Green composites, 3D weaving, Weaving of Profiled structures, Honeycomb weaving, and Spacer fabrics. Prof Behera has authored more than 300 peer-reviewed papers and delivered more than 370 talks at various international conferences and symposia. He has authored and co-authored 16 books relating to Textile Structural Mechanics, Soft Computing in Textiles and Weaving Technology. Prof. Behera has supervised more than 85 PhD and Master theses. He has six patents to his credit. Prof. Behera has successfully completed 28 sponsored research projects and more than 85 industrial consultancy projects as principal investigator. He has also worked as visiting professor at Shinshu University, Japan; Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic; Usak University, Turkey; University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. He has been an invited speaker to many foreign universities, which includes the Technical University of Liberec, VUTS research centre Czech Republic, Dresden University Germany, Institute of Materials - Hungary and Promatech Machinery Research Centre Italy. Prof. Behera is a member of the governing council of several reputed Textile institutions. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of three different textile companies in India.