Personal information
Current research
* Bacteriocins and bacteriophages: antimicrobial activities and biotechnological applications
* Lactococcus lactis cell envelope stress response.
1996, PhD in Biology at the University of Oviedo (Spain): bacteriocins, food biopreservation.
1997-1999, postdoc at TNO Voeding, Zeist (The Netherlands): probiotic lactobacilli, S-layer.
2000-2003, postdoc at IPLA-CSIC (Spain): dairy starters.
2003-present, principal investigator, DairySafe group at IPLA-CSIC: biotechnology of bacteriocins.
2012-2016, head of the department Technology and Biotechnology of Dairy Products. IPLA-CSIC.
2018-present, member of the executive board Food Microbiology, Spanish Microbiology Society (SEM).
Beatriz MartÃnez is a molecular microbiologist focused on lactic acid bacteria (LAB). She actively supports the DairySafe research program on bacteriocins produced by LAB and their diverse applications in Food Biotechnology with emphasis on milk and dairy products. Her main strategic objectives are: i) sustainable strategies for food preservation based on bacteriocins and bacteriophages, ii) mode of action of- and resistance mechanisms to- species-specific cell wall antimicrobials, including phage endolysins and iii) understanding how LAB sense and respond to cell wall damage to define gene regulatory networks and develop non-GMO approaches to improve performance of dairy starters.