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Márcia Takey is graduated in Medicine from the State University of Rio de Janeiro-UERJ (1999). Title of Specialist in Pediatrics (TEP) by the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (2004). Hebiatrician at the Adolescent Health Studies Center (NESA) - UERJ, where she participates in the supervision and guidance of undergraduate medical students and resident physicians in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Participation as advisor of the course "Introduction to the integral health of adolescents and young people", conceived by NESA/UERJ, with the support of the Ministry of Health and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) (2015-2016). Master in Medicine from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2017). PhD. candidate at the Graduate Program in Medical Sciences at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. She has experience in the field of Medicine, with an emphasis on Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.