Personal information


Employment (1)

Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava: Suceava, Suceava, RO

Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandru Lavric

Funding (4)

- „Platformă inteligentă pentru managementul infrastructurii de încărcare a autovehiculelor electrice”, (SMART EVC Platform), 40PTE/ 05.06.2020

Artificial intelligence-powered personalized health and genomics libraries for the analysis of long-term effects in COVID-19 patients” (AI-PHGL-COVID), contract de finanțare nr. 760074/23.05.2023

uefiscdi (Suceava, RO)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandru Lavric

Intelligent conductive charging stations, fixed and mobile, for electrical propulsion transport (SMiLE-EV)”,

Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandru Lavric

National Competence Center and solutions for the development of Climate Neutral and Smart Cities” (NetZeRoCities)

Ministerul Cercetării şi Inovării (Suceava, RO)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandru Lavric