Personal information

Germany, United States


Employment (1)

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: Boston, US

2022-05-23 to 2023-05-22 | Graduate Student Researcher (Cancer Immunology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Hambitzer

Education and qualifications (1)

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin: Berlin, DE

2018-10-15 to 2025-05-15 | MD (Medical School)
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Hambitzer

Professional activities (1)

Berlin Exchange Medicine: Berlin, DE

2020-10 to present | Co-Founder
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Hambitzer

Works (1)

1004 Signaling pathways inducing tumoricidal phagocytosis in pancreatic cancer

SITC 37th Annual Meeting (SITC 2022)
2022-11 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Li Qiang; Stephanie Dougan; Samantha Liu; Gabrielle Ro; Michael Dougan; Lestat Ali; Patrick Lenehan; Felix Hambitzer
Source: Self-asserted source
Felix Hambitzer