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Since medical school Dr Bellasi has developed a strong interest in mineral metabolism abnormalities and their impact on the cardiovascular system in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) as well as normal kidney function individuals. After various internships at University Hospitals in Spain, Sweden, and Italy, he graduated from the Medical School of the University of Milan, Italy, in October 2002. He finalized his post-graduate training in Nephrology and graduated from the University of Milan in November 2007. He attended a cardio-nephrology research fellowship at Tulane University in New Orleans (LA), U.S.A and at Emory University in Atlanta (GA), U.S.A.. Furthermore, Dr Bellasi successfully completed a master in Epidemiology and Statistics at the University of Milan in 2009 as well as a Doctoral Fellowship in Physiopathology, Pharmacology and Therapy of Metabolic Diseases in 2015. Dr Bellasi served as Nephrology consultant at San Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna and San Anna Hospital, Como, Italy. From July 1st, 2018, he served at the Research, Innovation and Brand Reputation, and from November 1st, 2018, he was the medical director of the Clinical Trial Center (CTC) at Ospedale di Bergamo, ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, Italy. Since April 1st, 2021, he has served as a Nephrology consultant at Ospedale Regionale di Lugano, Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale. His current interest is cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease patients. He is a coauthor of more than 200 publications