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Bruno Gonçalves was born in Lamego, Portugal. In 2017, he finished his Ph.D. in Sport Sciences at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal). Currently holds a position of Associate Professor at the Universidade de Évora (Évora, Portugal), for teaching and researching in Didactics of Sport and Sports Science at bachelor, master, and doctoral courses. He is a research fellow at the Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC), a new multidisciplinary, multi-institutional research centre that aims to support, develop and foster clinical, public health, and health services research. The CHRC was classified as “Excellent” out of the 21 units evaluated in the Public Health panel by the Portuguese FCT. Published more than 80 articles in high-impact journals and has several book sections. Co-supervised 3 Ph.D. thesis and 4 MSc dissertations. Has received 8 awards honors. Participates and/or participated as Ph.D. Student Fellow in 2 projects, Pos-doctoral Fellow in 1 project, Research Fellow in 7 projects. His current research interests are to identify new variables that can capture collective, exploratory, adaptive, and emergent principles of behavior. Understanding and acquiring these concepts in sports settings, it would be possible to transfer these outcomes to other life environments (i.e., school or work). In the end, the goal is to ensure the possibility of resembling the groups' intrinsic nature towards the desired behaviors and attitudes, turning them into habits, which may reduce response time and increase accuracy in solving shared challenges.