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Scientific impact: My research interests are focused in the biological activity of natural
compounds with a special interest on anticancer, antiobesity, antimicrobial and cosmetic activities. I have been involved in many research projects and translational activities with different companies contributing to the development and characterization of new products and services. The results and milestones obtained by my research group have been protected when necessary, but then divulgated by their publication on high impact international scientific journals but also through more affordable methods as social media, divulgative pitches and sociocultural collaborations with schools and high-schools. I have been increased my knowledge on artificial intelligence and its application to research and developed new electronic notebooks that have automatized the data obtention and analysis in our lab. I have
also expanded my technical skills on animal procedures and welfare and increased my
experience on molecular and cellular biology techniques. I have led three national project acting as CO-IP (ref. RTI2018-096724-B-C21, PID2021-125188OB-C32 and TED2021-129932B-C21) and two regional project as IP (MEFLOCOVID19 and INNEST/2022/103). I am also involved in different administrative and scientific responsibilities as senior member of my research group at IDiBE-UMH. I have created new international collaborations for our group and deepen in the existing ones, creating a network of international collaborators that has allowed out group to apply for several international calls.
Socio-economic impact: I have obtained the “Social Impact project” recognition form the Valencian Patronage Office in 2019 to one of my projects that have obtained more than 65.000€ from different entities. I created the spin-off company “Ilice Effitech” in 2019 which is focused in R&D for cosmetics and functional ingredients. In addition, I have collaborated with different divulgative activities organised by UMH and other entities as the “Fundación Parque Científico UMH”. Regarding the translational activities I have participated in more than 45 services for 12 different companies for a total amount of 52.000€ in the last 5 years. I am also the “Knowledge, Transfer and Translational activities Coordinator” at IDiBE since 2019.
Training activities: I started my teaching career on 2011 as Associate professor in Pharmacy faculty of UMH, since then, I have become “Contratado Doctor” professor and increasing my experience by joining to “PhD Program in Molecular and Cellular Biology”, “Master degree in Biotechnology and Bioingeneering”, “Master degree in clinic pharmacokinetics and individual posology” and “Course of University Specialist in the Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoid Derivatives” all in Universidad Miguel Hernández. I am also part of the teaching staff of the "European Master in Translational Cosmetic and Dermatological Sciences (EMOTION)" since 2020. I have directed 4 “Diploma de Estudios Avanzados”, 31 final degree works (from “Graduado en Biotecnología” and “Graduado en Farmacia”), 2 Master final thesis (from “Máster en Biotecnología y Bioingeniería”) and 2 from “EMOTION Master”. I have co-directed 6 PhD Thesis in the last 6 years with another 3 in progress at different stages. I am also Coordinator of the “Programa de Trabajos de Fin de Grado Interdisciplinares” de la UMH since 2018.
Additional information: I am spokeman of “Comité Ético y de Integridad en Investivación” (authorized ethics committee) of Universidad Miguel Hernández since 2015. I have the authorisations as animal researcher (category B, 2009) and project animal supervisor (category C, 2011). I have acted as reviewer for more than 30 scientific journals (Publons profile: I belong to the Editorial Board of Molecules since 2019 and I have acted as “guest editor” for different special issues on “Marine Drugs”, “Int. J. Mol. Sci.”, “Antioxidants”, “Medicines” and “Frontiers in nutrition” in the last 5 years. I have received 17 training courses with more than 20 hours each related with the discipline of this call. I am accredited by ANECA as “Ayudante Doctor” and “Contratado Doctor” since 2011. I am also “Six-digits UNESCO Project reviewer” for EQA company since 2014. Finally, I have two “six years” research years” research periods recognition by CNEAI (2007-2012 and 2013-2018).