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Alexander Pechen received MSc in Physics from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2001 and PhD in Mathematical Physics from Steklov Mathematical Institute in 2004. In 2005–2010 he worked as a Research Associate with Prof. H. Rabitz at Princeton University. In various years, he was a visiting scientist in the group of Prof. L. Accardi at University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ and in the group of Prof. D. J. Tannor at Weizmann Institute of Science. Now he is Head of the Department of Mathematical Methods for Quantum Technologies at Steklov Mathematical Institute, Chief Scientific Researcher and Professor at NITU MISIS, and Deputy Head of Chair of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology ‘Methods of Modern Mathematics’. Alexander Pechen is a recipient of the Blavatnik Award of the New York Academy of Science, Marie Curie Fellowship of the European Commission, award of the Moscow Government for young scientists in Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics, Professor of Russian Academy of Sciences. His research interests include various topics in mathematics of quantum technologies, quantum control and dynamics of open quantum systems.