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Professor Ilias Stavrakas has studied at the Department of Electronics Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. He received his BSc in Electronic Engineering in 1997. His MSc on Data Communication Systems was awarded with distinction from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of Brunel University, UK in 1999. He conducted his PhD research at the Department of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics of Brunel University in the field of electric current emissions due to mechanical stress in laboratory and filed environments (2004). He completed postdoctoral studies in 2007 at the at the Department of Electronics Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens with his research on Pressure Stimulated Current (PSC) emissions when brittle materials are subjected to mechanical loading. Aim of his research was PSC to be used as a tool of Non Destructive Testing of materials and Structures.

In 2008 he was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens and in 2013 he was appointed Associate Professor. Since 2017 he is appointed Professor, in the discipline of electrical circuits and electronic measurement technologies.

He has been teaching at the Undergraduate courses of the Departments of Electronics Engineering, Informatics and Biomedical Engineering. Additionally, he has been teaching at the Postgraduate courses of the Departments of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of the BRUNEL University, UK, of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art, University of West Attica,of Physics, School of Sciences, University of Thessaly and the Department of Electronics Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. He has supervised Postgraduate Theses at the Departments of Informatics of the University of Athens, Electrical and Electronics Engineering of the BRUNEL University, UK, and the Electronics Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. He is appointed as recognized PhD supervisor from the BRUNEL University.

Currently, he is director of the electronics and materials sector of the Department of electrical and electronics eng., university of west Attica. 2021 - 2023 Deputy Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of the University of West Attica while during 2008 – 2021 he was Director of the Electronics and Materials Sector at the same Department. During 2018-2021 he was Representative Member of the University of West Attica at General Assembly of the Greek Foundation of Research and Innovation. Since 2017 he represents the Univeersity of West Attica at the Council for Defence Research, Technology and Industry of the Hellenic Ministry of Defence.

He is a member of the Laboratory of Electronic Devices and Materials ( and Head of Low level Measurements Unit. He is also member of the Administration board of the Greek Society of Experimental Mechanics of Materials and member of the European Structural Integrity Society. He is leading the activities of the cooperation between the University of West Attica and Libre Space Foundation for the development of open technologies for Space .

His research interests focus on the sectors of Electrical Circuits, Electrical and Electronic Measurement Technologies, Measuring Systems and Devices, Integrated Measurement Systems, Non-Destructive Testing of Materials via Electrical and Acoustic Emission measurements and the Electrical Characterization of Materials. Specifically, most of his research and scientific work focuses on the design and development of modern electronic systems, measuring systems and electronic circuits that aim at material and system characterization. Furthermore, he is working on the design and prototyping new laboratory and field measurement techniques aiming at the design and implementation of new services and applications. His research activities also include modern teaching technologies and applications and computer networks.

He has participated in National and European research projects. He has published more than 200 research works in international journals and international conference proceedings. His work is cited in more than 1400 articles.


Employment (2)

University of West Attica: Athens, Attica, GR

2018-03-01 to present | Professor (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
ilias stavrakas

Technological Educational Institute of Athens: Athens, Attica, GR

2008-10-01 to 2018-02-28 | Associate Professor (Department of Electronics Eng.)
Source: Self-asserted source
ilias stavrakas

Education and qualifications (3)

Brunel University: Uxbridge, Middlesex, GB

2000 to 2004 | PhD. Stress induced Currents: Laboratory results and field observations (Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics)
Source: Self-asserted source
ilias stavrakas

Brunel University: Uxbridge, Middlesex, GB

1998 to 2000 | MSc in Data Communications (Department of Electrical and Electronics Eng)
Source: Self-asserted source
ilias stavrakas

Technological Educational Institute of Athens: Athens, Attica, GR

1994 to 1998 | BSc (Department of Electronics Eng.)
Source: Self-asserted source
ilias stavrakas

Peer review (30 reviews for 16 publications/grants)

Review activity for Acta Geophysica. (1)
Review activity for Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment. (1)
Review activity for Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment. (1)
Review activity for Energies. (1)
Review activity for Engineering applications of artificial intelligence. (2)
Review activity for Engineering science and technology, an international journal. (2)
Review activity for Environmental modelling & software (2)
Review activity for Geosciences. (2)
Review activity for International Journal of Mining Science and Technology. (3)
Review activity for Knowledge-based systems. (2)
Review activity for Materials and design. (1)
Review activity for Materials. (3)
Review activity for Metrology and Measurement Systems. (2)
Review activity for Modern physics letters. (2)
Review activity for PloS one. (2)
Review activity for Rock mechanics and rock engineering. (3)