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Aeronautics, Aerospace Engineering, Aerospace Systems, Avionics, Engineering, Modeling and Simulation, UAV, UAS, drones


Dear Researchers,

I am Natália Gecejová, an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Aeronautics, Department of Avionics, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia.

My academic journey began with a bachelor's degree in electronics, specializing in Avionic Systems, followed by an engineering degree in Aerospace Engineering. I later earned my PhD. in Aerospace Systems at the same institution. Throughout my studies, I gained valuable experience through multiple internships and research stays at institutions such as the International Academy S.P.E.K.T.R. in Slovenia and the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology in Poland. Additionally, I have worked with several aviation companies in Slovakia, further expanding my practical expertise.

Despite my relatively short academic career, I have authored several scientific publications indexed in databases such as Web of Science, SCOPUS, IEEE, and CCC. My research primarily focuses on simulating UAS flights in challenging mountainous areas, considering dynamic meteorological and environmental conditions, avionics, and flight systems. This research aims to improve Search and Rescue (SAR) operations and support Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) by exploring new life-saving procedures involving UAS technology.
Beyond this, I also focus on broader aviation topics, including antenna systems, navigation, communication, and satellite systems.

If you are interested in my research, I am open to discussing and possibly collaborating. Feel free to contact me!


Employment (1)

Technical University of Košice: Košice, SK

2024-09 to present | Assistant professor (Faculty of Aeronautics; Department of Avionics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Education and qualifications (7)

Technical University of Košice: Košice, SK

2021 to 2024 | PhD (Aerospace Systems) (Faculty of Aeronautics; Department of Avionics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

International Academy S.P.E.K.T.R. (Slovenia) & Scientific-Technical Union of Chemmotologists (Ukraine): Novo Mesto, SI

2023-05-01 to 2023-07-14 | Internship - Integration of Ukrainian higher education institutions into the European educational community
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Warsaw University of Technology: Warsaw, PL

2023-06 to 2023-07 | Internship (Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

International Academy S.P.E.K.T.R. (Slovenia) & Scientific-Technical Union of Chemmotologists (Ukraine): Novo mesto, SI

2022-09-12 to 2022-12-30 | Internship - Modern Challenges to the Professional Competence of the Guarantee of Educational Program and Academic Staff
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Warsaw University of Technology: Warsaw, PL

2022-06 to 2022-07 | Internship - Program SPINAKER (Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Technical University of Košice: Košice, SK

2019 to 2021 | Ing (Aerospace Engineering) - Graduated with Honours (Faculty of Aeronautics - Department of Avionics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Technical University of Košice: Košice, SK

2016 to 2019 | Bc (Avionics) - Graduated with Honours (Faculty of Aeronautics - Department of Avionics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Professional activities (7)

NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute" & Ministry of education and science of Ukraine & Scientific-technical union of chemmotologists: Kyjiv, UA

2022 | INTELLECT OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS 2022 (International competition) International expert commission award - 2nd place in category "New technologies of road, air and space transport infrastructure development"
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute" & Ministry of education and science of Ukraine & Scientific-technical union of chemmotologists: Kyjiv, UA

2022 | INTELLECT OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS 2022 (International competition) Special award of founder the competition - 2nd place
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Technical University of Košice: Košice, SK

2021 | Dean's Award for Academic Excellence
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Technical University of Košice: Košice, SK

2021 | Student Research and Professional Activities 2021 - 1th place (Awarded paper: "Design of the stand-workplace of the EFIS system")
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Technical University of Košice: Košice, SK

2019 | Dean's Award for Outstanding Final Thesis
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Technical University of Košice: Košice, SK

2019 | Student Research and Professional Activities 2019 - 2nd place (Awarded paper: "Methodology and measurement of parameters of UAV servomechanisms")
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Technical University of Košice: Košice, SK

2018 | Student Research and Professional Activities 2018 - 3rd place (Awarded paper: "Design of a methodology for measuring the parameters of UAV servomechanisms")
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Funding (7)

Research Grant for Young Scientific at TUKE (Technical University of Košice) No. 04/TUKE/2025: Innovative Method for Evaluating Electrical Parameters of 3D-Printed Aviation Antennas Using a Depolarization Panel

2025-01 to 2025-12 | Grant
Research Grant for Young Scientific at TUKE (Technical University of Košice) (Košice, SK)
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Cultural and Educational Grant Agency Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (KEGA) under the contract No. 073TUKE-4/2024 - Experimental measurement apparatus and multimedial e-learning textbook for the purpose of the education process support in the field of automobile radar systems (Acronym: A-RSS)

2024 to 2026 | Grant
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (Bratislava, SK)


Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (VEGA) under the contract No. 1/0701/23 - Efficient control algorithms for small gas turbine engines

2024 to 2025 | Grant
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (Bratislava, SK)


Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Cultural and Educational Grant Agency Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (KEGA) under the contract No. 033TUKE-4/2023 - A virtual complex of aircraft and helicopter systems as a means of supporting the teaching of avionics subjects

2023 to 2025 | Grant
Cultural and Educational Grant Agency Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (KEGA) (Bratislava, SK)


Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Research Grant for Young Scientific at TUKE (Technical University of Košice) No. 02/TUKE/2022 UAV Carbon Cub - The flying platform for research and development of intelligent avionics

2022-01 to 2022-12 | Grant
Research Grant for Young Scientific at TUKE (Technical University of Košice) (Košice, SK)
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

SPINAKER program - Intensive International Education Programs: "International Summer Schools of the Warsaw University of Technology”

2022 to 2024 | Grant
Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), and the European Social Fund (Warsaw, PL)


Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (VEGA) under the contract No. 1/0584/20 - UWB sensor systems for monitoring people working in real conditions (ReConLoc)

2021 to 2023 | Grant
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (Bratislava, SK)


Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Works (30)

Econometrics of the Functional Connection of the Price and Reliability of Hybrid Aircraft Technology

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Pavol Kurdel; Natália Gecejová; Marek Češkovič; Mária Gamcová
Source: check_circle

Analysis of Requirements to Quality of Jet Fuels for Military and Civil Use

Acta Avionica Journal
2024-12-18 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1339-9853
Part of ISSN: 1335-9479
Contributors: Anna Yakovlieva; Rudolf Andoga; Natalia Gecejova; Vasyl Boshkov; Sergii Voytenko; Oleh Dobrydenko
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Recent advances in hydrogen production for providing air transport needs

2024 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD)
2024-11-28 | Conference paper
Contributors: Anna Yakovlieva; Pavol Kurdel; Sergii Boichenko; Iryna Shkilniuk; Marek Češkovič; Natália Gecejová
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

The Methodology of Modification of the Conventional UAS for HEMS and SAR Support

Transportation Research Procedia
2024-10-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Natália Gecejová; Marek Češkovič; Pavol Kurdel; Mária Gamcová
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Laboratory workplace for simulation of changing the flight height of small aircraft – experimental verification

22. mezinárodní vědecká konference „Měření, diagnostika, spolehlivost palubních soustav letadel“
2024-10-23 | Conference paper
Contributors: Natália Gecejová; Marek Češkovič; Pavol Kurdel; František Adamčík
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Risks of Multipath Signal Propagation from GPS Satellites in Mountainous Areas During the Use of UAV as Supplementary Device for HEMS or SAR

Acta Avionica
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Natália Gecejová; Marek Češkovič
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Design of the UAV for Supplementary Methods of Rescue in Mountainous Environment

11th International Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students
2024-05-30 | Conference paper
Part of ISBN: 978-80-553-3842-2
Contributors: Natália Gecejová; Pavol Kurdel; Marek Češkovič
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) - Stand equipment for practical training of aeronautical students focusing on avionics systems

Technical University of Košice
2024-02 | Working paper
Contributors: Natália Gecejová; Marek Češkovič
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Evaluation of the Success of Simulation of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Precision Landing Provided by a Newly Designed System for Precision Landing in a Mountainous Area

2024-01-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Pavol Kurdel; Natália Gecejová; Marek Češkovič; Anna Yakovlieva
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A Case Study for the Development of Environmentally Safe Low-Lead Aviation Gasoline in Ukraine

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Sergii Boichenko; Anna Yakovlieva; Iryna Shkilniuk; Natalia Gecejova; Olufemi Olaulava Babatunde; Ihor Kuberskyi
Source: check_circle

Situation Operation and Modelling of the Airport Activities

Transportation Research Procedia
2023-12-28 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2352-1465
Contributors: Pavol Kurdel; Natália Gecejová; Alena Novák Sedláčková; Marek Češkovič
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Assessment of the Possibility of Using Lignocellulosic Feedstock for the Production of Sustainable Aviation Fuels

2023 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD)
2023-11-23 | Conference paper
Contributors: Anna Yakovlieva; Natália Gecejová; Marek Češkovič; Stepan Zubenko; Vasyl Boshkov; Serhiy Konovalov
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Simulation and Analysis of the Change in the Radiation Characteristics of the Communication and Telemetry Antenna of the UAV Used as a Supplementary Rescue Device for SAR and HEMS

2023 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD)
2023-11-23 | Conference paper
Contributors: Natália Gecejová; Marek Češkovič; Pavol Kurdel; Antoni Kopyt
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Supplementary Methods of Rescue in The High Mountain Environment

2023-07 | Conference abstract
Part of OTHER-ID:

UDC: 665.6/.7:662.7:656.13:656.7:502/504:62-61:629.7

Contributors: Natália Gecejová; Marek Češkovič; Pavol Kurdel
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Simulation of the Flight Height Change of a Small Aircraft EFIS System

Acta Avionica
2023-07-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Natália Gecejová; Marek Češkovič; Pavol Kurdel
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Unwanted Supplementary Vibrations of Helicopter Radio Communication Systems

2023-07-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Marek Češkovič; Martin Schrötter; Róbert Huňady; Pavol Kurdel; Natália Gecejová
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Evaluation of Doppler Effect Error Affecting the Radio Altimeter Altitude Measurements

2022-12-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Marek Češkovič; Pavol Kurdel; Natália Gecejová; Ján Labun; Miroslav Laššák
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Vibration Diagnostic Method

The XVII. International Scientific Conference New Trends in Aviation Development (NTinAD) 2022
2022-11-24 | Conference paper

IEEE Catalog number: CFP22NTD-USB

Contributors: Stanislav Fábry; Marek Češkovič; Natália Gecejová
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Risks determination during the life-cycle of conventional and sustainable aviation fuels - the environmental aspect

The XVII. International Scientific Conference New Trends in Aviation Development (NTinAD) 2022
2022-11-24 | Conference paper
Part of ISBN: 979-8-3503-2035-0
Contributors: Anna Yakovlieva; Natália Gecejová; Marek Češkovič; Pavol Kurdel; Sergii Boichenko
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

A case study for the development of environmentally safe low-lead aviation gasoline in Ukraine

13th International Conference TRANSBALTICA 2022: Transportation Science and Technology
2022-09-15 | Conference paper
Part of ISSN: 2523-3459
Contributors: Sergii Boichenko; Anna Yakovlieva; Iryna Shkilniuk; Natália Gecejová; Olufemi Olaulava Babatunde; Ihor Kuberskyi
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

The Method of Evaluation of Radio Altimeter Methodological Error in Laboratory Environment

2022-07-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Pavol Kurdel; Marek Češkovič; Natália Gecejová; Ján Labun; Ján Gamec
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Methodology and measurement of parameters of UAV servomechanisms

Intellect of Young Scientists 2022
2022-06-16 | Conference paper
Part of OTHER-ID:

MDT: 502.52: 502.36: 620.92:662.7:62-61

Contributors: Natália Gecejová
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

A Reasonable Alternative System for Searching UAVs in the Local Area

2022-04-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Marek Češkovič; Pavol Kurdel; Natália Gecejová; Ján Labun; Mária Gamcová; Matúš Lehocký
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Initial Design of Intelligent Decision-Making System for a Small Unmanned Airplane

SAMI 2022 - IEEE 20th Jubilee World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings
2022-03-02 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Local Control of Unmanned Air Vehicles in the Mountain Area

2022-02-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Pavol Kurdel; Marek Češkovič; Natália Gecejová; František Adamčík; Mária Gamcová
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Aircraft Electric Machines

Acta Avionica Journal
2021-12-23 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1339-9853
Part of ISSN: 1335-9479
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Evaluation of Chosen Parameters of Servomechanisms

Acta Avionica Journal
2021-12-23 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1339-9853
Part of ISSN: 1335-9479
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Airport Spatial Usability in Measuring the Spherical Antenna Properties on Small Aircraft

2021-11-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Ján Labun; Pavol Kurdel; Marek Češkovič; Alexey Nekrasov; Mária Gamcová; Natália Gecejová
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 4)‎

Measuring Specifications of UAV Servos

2019 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Design of methodology for measuring parameters of UAV servomechanisms

2018 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Natália Gecejová

Peer review (14 reviews for 5 publications/grants)

Review activity for Aerospace. (2)
Review activity for Drones. (9)
Review activity for Electronics. (1)
Review activity for Remote sensing. (1)
Review activity for Symmetry. (1)