Personal information

Physical Activity, Exercise, Dementia, Cognition, Healthy lifestyle, Epidemiology


Employment (3)

University of Waterloo: Waterloo, Ontario, CA

2022-05-01 to present | Associate Chair of Applied Research, Partnerships and Outreac (Kinesiology and Health Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Middleton

University of Waterloo: Waterloo, Ontario, CA

2019-07-01 to present | Associate Professor (Kinesiology and Health Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Middleton

University of Waterloo: Waterloo, Ontario, CA

2011-07-01 to 2019-06-30 | Assistant Professor (Kinesiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Middleton

Education and qualifications (1)

Dalhousie University: Halifax, Nova Scotia, CA

2005-09-01 to 2008-08-31 | PhD (Interdisciplinary)
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Middleton

Works (14)

The Co-design of the Dementia Lifestyle Intervention to get healthy together (DELIGHT) program: An authentic partnership approach

2025-03-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Laura E Middleton; Lauren Bechard; William Heibein; Lloyd Schneider; Marg Shoemaker; Gail Roth; Cindy Wei; Melissa Koch; Heather Keller; Carrie McAiney
Source: check_circle

Dementia-Inclusive Choices for Exercise Toolkit: Impact on the Knowledge, Perspectives, and Practices of Exercise Providers

Journal of Aging and Physical Activity
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Laura E. Middleton; Chelsea Pelletier; Melissa Koch; Rebekah Norman; Sherry Dupuis; Arlene Astell; Lora Giangregorio; Shannon Freeman; _ _
Source: check_circle

Understanding the impact related to lifestyle interventions for people with dementia: A systematic review protocol

2024-09-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Laura Middleton; Annesha Sil; Vanessa Vucea-Tirabassi; Grace Liu; Jennifer Bethell; Heather Cooke; Heather Keller; Teresa Liu-Ambrose; Megan E. O’Connell; Jackie Stapleton et al.
Source: check_circle

The dementia-inclusive choices in exercise project: Using participatory action research to improve physical activity supports for persons with dementia

2023-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Laura E Middleton; Chelsea A Pelletier; Melissa Koch; Rebekah Norman; Sherry Dupuis; Arlene Astell; Lora M Giangregorio; Felicia Hart; William Heibein; Crystal Hughes et al.
Source: check_circle

Use of adapted or modified methods with people with dementia in research: A scoping review

2023-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Emma Conway; Ellen MacEachen; Laura Middleton; Carrie McAiney
Source: check_circle

Entropy-based Sampling for Streaming learning with Move-to-Data approach on Video

2023-09-20 | Conference paper
Contributors: Meghna P Ayyar; Jenny Benois-Pineau; Akka Zemmari; Helene Amieva; Laura Middleton
Source: check_circle

Immersive Virtual Reality Exergames to Promote the Well-being of Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Pilot Study

JMIR Research Protocols
2022-06-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Samira Mehrabi; John Muñoz; Aysha Basharat; Jennifer Boger; Shi Cao; Michael Barnett-Cowan; Laura E Middleton
Source: check_circle

Função cognitiva após exercícios aeróbicos com e sem restrição do fluxo sanguíneo em adultos mais velhos

2022-04-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Wellington Martins dos Santos; Amanda Veiga Sardeli; Daisa Fabiele Godoi Moraes; Marina Lívia Ferreira Venturini; Lucas do Carmo Santos; Cláudia Regina Cavaglieri; Laura E Middleton; Mara Patrícia Traina Chacon-Mikahil
Source: check_circle

Immersive Virtual Reality Exergames for Persons Living With Dementia: User-Centered Design Study as a Multistakeholder Team During the COVID-19 Pandemic

JMIR Serious Games
2022-01-19 | Journal article
Contributors: John Muñoz; Samira Mehrabi; Yirou Li; Aysha Basharat; Laura E Middleton; Shi Cao; Michael Barnett-Cowan; Jennifer Boger
Source: check_circle

Multimodal Sensor Data Analysis for Detection of Risk Situations of Fragile People in @home Environments

2021 | Book chapter
Contributors: Thinhinane Yebda; Jenny Benois-Pineau; Marion Pech; Hélène Amieva; Laura Middleton; Max Bergelt
Source: check_circle

Changes in cognitive control and mood across repeated exercise sessions

Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being
2021-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Teran Nieman; Maximilian Bergelt; Jessica Clancy; Kayla Regan; Nic Hobson; Alexander dos Santos; Laura E. Middleton
Source: check_circle

Immersive Virtual Reality Exergames to Promote the Well-being of Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Pilot Study (Preprint)

2021-08-16 | Preprint
Contributors: Samira Mehrabi; John Muñoz; Aysha Basharat; Jennifer Boger; Shi Cao; Michael Barnett-Cowan; Laura E Middleton
Source: check_circle

Immersive Virtual Reality Exergames for Persons Living With Dementia: User-Centered Design Study as a Multistakeholder Team During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Preprint)

2021-04-27 | Preprint
Contributors: John Muñoz; Samira Mehrabi; Yirou Li; Aysha Basharat; Laura E Middleton; Shi Cao; Michael Barnett-Cowan; Jennifer Boger
Source: check_circle

Similar changes in executive function after moderate resistance training and loadless movement

2019-02-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Matthew Vonk; Andreas Mierau; Spencer Wikkerink; Kayla Regan; Laura Elizabeth Middleton
Source: check_circle

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for British journal of sports medicine (1)