Personal information


Employment (1)

University of Baltimore: Baltimore, MD, US

2017 to present | Assistant Professor (Klein Family School of Communications Design)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jennifer Keohane

Education and qualifications (1)

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Madison, WI, US

2015 | PhD (Communication Arts)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jennifer Keohane

Works (11)

Holding out for a Hero: The Rhetorical Battle over the National Garden of American Heroes in the United States

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Jennifer Keohane
Source: check_circle

Deplorable: The Worst Presidential Campaigns from Jefferson to Trump Deplorable: The Worst Presidential Campaigns from Jefferson to Trump , by Mary E. Stuckey, The Pennsylvania State UP, 2021, 328 pp., $32.95 (hardcover), ISBN: 9780271091761

Rhetoric Society Quarterly
2023-10-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer Keohane
Source: check_circle

Home/Work: The Rhetoricity of Commemorative Labor at the Belmont-Paul House

Western Journal of Communication
2023-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer Keohane
Source: check_circle

Nobody Likes Ike: The National Civic Art Society and Commemorative Containment in Washington, D.C

Southern Communication Journal
2023-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer Keohane
Source: check_circle

Producing Detroit: Narratives of Space and Place in the 1932 Ford Hunger March and Funeral Protest

Journal for the History of Rhetoric
2021-05-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer Keohane
Source: check_circle

Soldiers and Scholars: Evaluating Female Engagement Teams in the War in Afghanistan

Women's Studies in Communication
2021-01-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer Keohane; Kelly Jakes
Source: check_circle

“The Most Important Dress in the Country”: The Rhetoric of Glamour in the Smithsonian’s “The First Ladies”

Women's Studies in Communication
2017-07-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer Keohane
Source: check_circle

Experimenting With Imagination

Innovations in Teaching & Learning Conference Proceedings
2016-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Seth Andrew Hudson; Jennifer A Keohane; Margaret A Miklancie
Source: Self-asserted source
Jennifer Keohane via Crossref Metadata Search

“Honest Toil”: Labor, the Body, and Citizenship in the Knights of Labor, 1880–1890

Rhetoric Society Quarterly
2016-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer Keohane
Source: Self-asserted source
Jennifer Keohane via Crossref Metadata Search

Women and Rhetoric between the Wars

Rhetoric and Public Affairs
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer Keohane; Ann George; M. Elizabeth Weiser; Janet Zepernick
Source: Self-asserted source
Jennifer Keohane via Crossref Metadata Search

The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth-Century America

Quarterly Journal of Speech
2011-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer Keohane
Source: Self-asserted source
Jennifer Keohane via Crossref Metadata Search