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Works (5)

“Older, Faster, Stronger”: The Multiple Benefits of Masters Sport Participation

Journal of Aging and Physical Activity
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah Deck; Alison Doherty; Craig Hall; Angela Schneider; Swarali Patil; Glen Belfry
Source: check_circle

Exercise Identity and Its Relation to Self-Presentation Concerns in Males and Females

Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
2023-07-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Vince Liardi; Kim Gammage; Sarah Deck; Craig Hall
Source: check_circle

How Best to Imagine: Comparing the Effectiveness of Physical Activity Imagery, Possible Self and Combined Interventions on Physical Activity and Related Outcomes

Imagination, Cognition and Personality
2023-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah Deck; Brittany Semenchuk; Craig Hall; Lindsay Duncan; Sasha Kullman; Shaelyn Strachan
Source: check_circle

Tobacco use among varsity athletes – why do they do it and how do we make it stop: a brief report

Journal of American College Health
2023-02-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Sarah Deck; Taniya S. Nagpal; Anisa Morava; Jade Farhat; Federico Cisneros Sanchez; Harry Prapavessis
Source: check_circle

If you build it, will they come? Assessing coaches’ perceptions of a sport psychology website

International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Jade Farhat; Sarah Deck; Marc Mitchell; Craig Hall; Barbi Law; Melanie Gregg; J. Paige Pope; Kendra Nelson Ferguson
Source: check_circle